As he's about 50 yards away I give him a smirk before jumping up into he air and shifting in the large war horse size brown wolf and I growl in his direction and like I said the horse takes about 1 second before he bucks the champion off .

Walking through the dust cloud, I see the champion back away in fear before I lunge forward with a snarl and wrap my massive jaws around his troath. While his screams fill my ears.

Biting down the taste if blood fills my lips and as I bite down harder I hear a loud snap, ripping his head off I walk towards the city of Meereen with it in my mouth before dropping it in the sand.

Seeing the archers shoot our way they land 10 yards in  front of me and I couldn't stop myself as I lift my back paw up and piss over the dead champion's head before releasing a loud howl that, Shaggydog, Nymeria and Shadow join me in as they walk over.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn." Daenerys starts as she walks next to me, and my head stands at least a foot higher than she is. Well, tiny but feisty she is.

" Your Masters may have told you lies about me, or they may have told you nothing. It does not matter. I have nothing to say to them. Only to you. First, I went to Astapor. Those who were slaves in Astapor now stand behind me, free. Next, I went to Yunkai. Those who were slaves in Yunkai now stand behind me, free. Now I have come to Meereen. I am not your enemy. Your enemy is beside you." She continues while the whole city is just quiet right now.

"Your enemy steals and murders your children. Your enemy has nothing for you but chains and suffering and commands. I do not bring commands. I bring you a choice. And I bring your enemies what they deserve. Forward!" She finishes as the unsullied push the catapults forward, and I let a wolfish grin appear on my face as I see the slave masters back away.

"Fire!"  She says, and within a second, the unsullied fire, the barrels holding the collars from the now free slaves toward Meereen, and I see them shatter against the walls.


Night has fallen, and I'm sitting in my tent as i overlook the map of the North.  The best decision would be to sail back towards White Harbor and, from there, ride to WinterFell. If Daenerys does decide to join us, we will need to build about 15 ships for her unsullied to join us. 

It will be about 5 months to sail there if we have the winds and tides with us, but how long will it take for us to build the ships. Maybe take them from the former slavemasters once we have taken the city? 

"Ai see that that it's his thinking face." Corwyn says, and I raise my brow as I turn in his direction.

"Thank you, Corwyn." Daenerys says, and he gives her a small bow before taking a step back while he wiggles his eyebrows. Idiot.

"Greyworm and the unsullied should he in the city by now." Daenerys says as she walks next to me.

"So what are you thinking about, my lord." She asks, and I turn back around to the map.

"I'm sailing for White Harbor from  there. I'll ride to WinterFell. Now the quistion is who will be waiting for me at WinterFell. Theon Greyjoy took it, but the Greyjoys are sailors, and WinterFell lays hundreds of miles away from the sea. His father, Baylor  Greyjoy, won't send him men to hold it, so the question is, is Theon still in WinterFell or the Lanisters? Or somebody who has betrayed my brother." I state with  heavy breath.

What if Robb  did get betrayed? Well, then that one will get punished for it.

"You have 15 000 men, and you know the lands." She says, and I give her a nod.

  "If Robb was betrayed by one of his bannermen, they probably would have been made Lord of WinterFell and Warden of the North by the lanisters so they'll also know the lands. It will then have to come down on who has the numbers and who has the better fighters."  I say as I turn in  her direction.

The Wandering Wolf.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz