Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

Kyung Soon texted Han Seo Jun multiple times trying to get him to tell her what it was that was so important but to no avail. Thinking he was maybe asleep, she tried again in the morning but also got no reply. She turned her phone on silent as she and Ju Gyeong got onto the bus and headed to school that morning.

When they walked into the classroom the class was buzzing with conversation and Su Ah and Si Hyun ran up to the two girls.

"Im Ju, Im Ju, Im Ju!" As they gathered on each side, Kyung Soon was pushed off to the side.

Ju Gyeong looked around at her classmates, "What's wrong again?" The whole class was holding signs and smiling at Ju Gyeong.

"How long have you two been dating? Why didn't you tell us?" Su Ah bombarded.

"Are you guys the second couple from our classroom?"

"Ju Gyeong, is it true?" Su Jin looked worried, "How could you do that to Jin Kyu-ah?"

"Jin Kyu?" Ju Gyeong asked.

"What do you mean?" Kyun Soon questioned.

Su Jin opened her mouth to explain but was cut off by the sound of Han Seo Jun's friends running into the classroom, yelling.

"Congratulations!" Cho Rong exclaimed before the seven boys pulled open their blazers revealing a photo of Ju Gyeong and Seo Jun close to kissing during their photo shoot.

Kyung Soon felt her heart shatter as the words around her began to blur. Her ears rang and it was hard for her to think straight. She felt light-headed and couldn't breathe past the lump in her throat. She looked around the room and saw even more photos. She felt betrayed, she knew he was doing a couple's shoot, but why didn't he tell her he was doing it with her best friend? Was she just the next best thing?

Han Seo Jun walked into the classroom. He pushed one of his friends out of the way, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Congrats!" They yelled again, showing him the shirts.

His eyes widened and he turned his head to look at Kyung Soon. Their eyes met and he could see just how hurt she was. He had meant to tell her, he even texted her back as soon as he saw her message that morning but he could assume now that she didn't see it. "Jagiya..." He mumbled moving towards her. She took a few steps back before running off out of the classroom. He flinched before taking off to run after her, but he was quickly stopped by Cho Rong and the others.

"Han Seo Jun, everyone has so many questions!"

He glared at him, "Like I give a damn. I'm not answering any of them." He yanked his arm away from Cho Rong, though that didn't stop the class from pushing Ju Gyeong and Seo Jun to stand at the podium in the front of the classroom together.

Once they were both situated the class chanted for them to answer their questions. Seo Jun kept looking towards the door, he had to get out of there and find Kyung Soon, he had to talk to her and explain to her what happened and why he didn't want to tell her.

"I will be asking the questions from Hyun Kyu's Patch." Hyun Kyu announced as more and more people gathered into the classroom. Han Seo Jun glanced at him and then back to the door. "Is the man you were secretly dating at K-mall Han Seo Jun?"

Ju Gyeong waved her hands in front of her face and shook her head vigorously.

"Are you denying it?"

"I can't wait to hear more." The class kept talking.

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