Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

Jin Kyung Soon kept fighting to get her mother to let go. She couldn't go with her, if she continued to stay with her, nothing was ever going to get better, she was forever going to be stuck where she was. She was done, she was so done, if she had to live like this any longer she was going to-

"Jin Kyung Soon!" A voice called.

She looked behind her, "Han Seo Jun!" She ripped her arm away from her distracted mother and ran over to the boy, hugging him and burying her face into his chest.

"Kyung Soon, are you okay?"

She nodded.

Seo Jun looked up at her mother. He glared at her, how could someone be so cruel to the person they're supposed to protect and love more than anyone else? He could never imagine his mother or father treating him like that. It would break his heart. Kyung Soon's mother stared back at him as if she wanted to rip him to shreds. He didn't care though,"Come on, let's go." He turned and led Kyung Soon towards the gym. He was going to be Jin Kyung Soon's knight in shining armor until the day he died.


Kyung Soon sat in the top corner of the bleachers while the basketball game went on. She wasn't really interested in the game, she only came since Han Seo Jun led her there and told her to wait for him. People were cheering for him, even people who were supposed to be supporting the other team. The gym was loud and it was giving Kyung Soon a headache, however, she knew she couldn't step out and risk getting caught by her mother again. She was glad that Han Seo Jun had been there to save her, though it didn't help her with her attempts of getting over him. She was still upset that she hadn't even managed to avoid him for more than a day. He's got me wrapped around his finger, jeez.

Kyung Soon wasn't too focused on the game, she was still shaken up from earlier. The fact that her mother had actually gone out of her way to find Kyung Soon and drag her home made her wonder if maybe deep down her mother did care for her, at least a little bit. What bothered her more though was that no one was willing to help her. Sure, most people keep to themselves and don't meddle in other people's business, but she was screaming and crying, could people really not get themselves to care at least a bit?

At least Han Seo Jun was there... She supposed it would be okay to rely on a few people from time to time. There were people like Im Ju Gyeong and Han Seo Jun and Soo Ah who really seemed to care about her. Even if Seo Jun likes Im Ju more than me, I hope him and I can still be friends.

She looked at the court just in time to see Han Seo Jun's team lose the game.

She stared at the boy as he caught his breath. She watched Su Ho walk up to him as the gym slowly started to empty. She couldn't hear what they said but as Su Ho walked away, Seo Jun's eyes met hers and he smiled softly before walking in the direction of the locker room.

"You're still hanging around Jin Kyung Soon?" Su Ho asked as he walked up to Han Seo Jun.

The boy looked up at him, "Yeah, I am." He stood up straight, "Why does it matter to you?"

"Don't you think you've hurt her enough by leading her on only to go run after Im Ju Gyeong? You're just playing them both at this point."

Han Seo Jun scoffed, "I'm not interested in Ju Gyeong."

"Your actions say otherwise. Just make up your mind. You're only gonna hurt them both and when that happens, I'll be the one to clean up your mess."

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