Things change...

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I'm dedicating this chapter to Ruby for she was the first one to comment and kept the wonderful comments through out this story!!! Thank you so much!!


Chapter 1- things change

It's been almost a week since the newborns attacked me and my family, trying to claim the life of my existence. Everything is going as plan- Bella is still asking me to change her into this damnation that she thinks is a perfect world, she wants to be with me forever and eternity. And for some strange and selfish reason I want her to be with me for that long of time. I don't see how I can live on without her by my side now.

"Edward?" I turned away from looking out the window of our back yard to find my favorite sister standing in the door way. There was something wrong, I could tell by how her facial expression read.

"Alice, what's wrong?" I asked in panic as I crossed the room. She was simply looking straight at me but she was staring straight through me.

I began reading her mind, trying to see the vision she was seeing. I saw me and Bella standing on our front steps of the house, she was looking up at me with a sad look to cast her beauty away. Then all of a sudden the vision went black.

I opened my eyes, didn't even realize that I had closed them, looking at my sister.

"Alice what was the last of the vision?" She shook her head no at me. "Alice tell me what you saw," I demanded. But Alice would not open her mouth, she looked up at me looking as if she might cry that is if she could. "It's about Bella, tell me what happened," I begged. I tried to read her mind again to try to catch glimpses of her vision, but she was concentrating on the football game that Carlisle, Emmett, and Jasper were watching downstairs. Just as I was about to pled some more, she spoke.

"Bella is here," she said quietly as she backed out of the doorway and flew down the steps.

I followed after her, worried by Alice's hurry to get downstairs. When I was on the first floor, I saw Alice standing behind the couch with Esme and Rosalie sitting like perfect beautiful angel statues wearing both looks of hopelessness. I didn't have time to think about why everyone was in the living room, looking and acting like something terribly was going to happen when the door bell rung. No one made any attempt to get the door so I walked quickly and opened the door to find Bella standing on the porch.

"Bella, are you all right?" I asked sounding worried that something had happened.

"Edward, can I talk to you?" she asked sounding hesitate.

"Yes," I replied stepping from the house, shutting the door after me, and moved onto the porch.

Bella had turned around, walking down the steps and stopped on the middle one looking up at me. I crossed the porch and stopped beside the banister on my right. Bella had placed her left hand onto the railing, like she needed support to help hold her up. My mother's ring was shining bright in the non over casted skies of Forks, which was strange.

Everything about today is strange just like with the weather. I thought as I concentrated back to Bella.

"Bella, what's going on here? Are you hurt?"

"No..." she trailed off.

Then she looked up at me, with a look of regret of the next set of words that were about to come from her mouth. I had already seen this look, from Alice's vision. I'm about to see what the ending is going to be.

"It's just hard to say this Edward," she glanced down, unable to keep my gaze, she took a deep breath and looked back up at me with tears falling down her small fragile beautiful face.

"Bella, what's wrong?" I asked soothingly as I took one step forward off the porch and into the sunlight. I could see the reflections shining onto her face. I hated to see Bella cry, it hurts my heart- makes it feel like it could shatter into millions of pieces. Because whenever I see Bella hurt it hurts me, it's like we are already connected together as one. She looked right into my face and began to slowly shake her head. "Bella?" When I went to take another step, she stopped me.

"No, Edward. Please don't move. This is already as hard as I want it to be."

What I wouldn't give to read her mind right now and see what is wrong with my love. I thought as I wanted even more to walk towards her and comfort her from whatever this pain she is in.

"Bella, I don't understand until you tell me what is going on. I can help you if you just tell me," I offered.

"Edward I wish that you could read my mind and I wouldn't have to tell you this," she said. She glanced down at the ring and took it off. "It would be a lot simpler," she added as she looked down at the ring.

She paused for a second and looked back up at me. She grinned softly, like she was trying to pass it off as something not sad or depressing, but it wasn't working I could see through that mask.

"Bella, I don't understand-"

"Edward, here's your ring back," she said as she held out her right cupped hand, with the ring inside.

"But Bella that's yours, I gave it to you. We are susposed to tell Charlie tonight, how can we if you give back the ring?" I asked hoping that this was the answer, that she didn't want the ring to wear that she was still going to marrying me or still be by my side until faith finally separated us.  

"No, Edward we're not going tell Charlie anything. I'm telling him that I'm not going to see you anymore."

"What? I don't understand?"

"I'm sorry Edward but there's someone else that has taken your spot. He can give me what I need, a family, and I won't have to lose mine because I won't have to change for him. I can remain the same," she said as she placed the ring into my left hand and started to back up slowly.

"But Bella it's you that wants to be changed. I don't care if you are human all the way till you die of old age, I will still love you and be with you until you're gone," I said it as much as it had hurt me, just the thought of losing her to death.

"But look at what it would do to you after I'm dead and long gone? I can't stand to hurt you anymore, I won't hurt you anymore than this day. This is the last time that you'll ever see me again. Good bye Edward, I will always love you till the day I die."

Just like that she turned around and climbed into her ancient truck, I fell back against the banister, watching in disbelief as she drove down the long driveway, leaving my world shattered into the darkness that had surrounded me unable to move....

Changes: something went terribly wrong (A story from Edward Cullen)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz