Chapter 19- Angry

Start from the beginning

"Get him off my land!" Hershel orders. "Please, no." Rick pleads. "You kick him off of this land and I will drive a axe straight into your head, old man!" I yell, though I'm pissed at my dad and would honestly rather he leave, we need him. Alyssa needs him. 

"Let me tell you somethin' man." My dad says, approaching Hershel. "Hey-hey! Don't touch him!" Maggie yells, slapping Shane. 

"Oh no the fuck you did not!" I scream, lunging towards her. I slap her right across the side of the face and shove her backwards. "You wanna act all hard? Huh?" I yell, punching her in the jaw. Glenns arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from her. "Get the fuck off of me! She does not get to hit my fucking father and-" 

"Well he hit you! You should thank me!" She yells. I scream out and try to get out of Glenn's grasp, but T-Dog stands in front of me, blocking my view of Maggie. 

I feel like I'm 6'7, I feel like there is fire emanating off of my body. The rage I feel is almost as angry as I was when Andrea shot Daryl. 

"Say some shit like that again and see what fucking happens!" I scream as Glenn carries me away. 

"Adrian stop!" He yells, setting me down. "What? You wanna protect your fuck buddy? Your girlfriend? Huh? Because she's just a shit person, a pussy, and a slut!" I yell, storming off. "Adrian!" Glenn calls after me. "No, no!" I yell, turning back to him. "You knew! You knew, Glenn! And you waited to tell us!" "I didn't want to betray Maggie's trust!" He yells.

I scoff, "Fuck you." I mumble, turning and walking away. 

I feel so much rage in my body that I could probably burp fire. I think I'm mainly pissed at myself for putting Alyssa through everything, I mean I overdosed yesterday and now one of her best friends is dead. And, on top of that, Maggie is being a fucking cunt to both me and my dad. I think I'm mainly pissed because Maggie knew about the Walkers and there's no way she didn't know that Sophia was in there. 

I approach the camp and search for Alyssa, I see her sitting by one of the trees, holding Sophia's doll.

My face softens and I walk over to her, sitting down next to her. 

We both don't say anything, we just sit in the comfort of each other's presence.

Alyssa inhales, "I should've-" "Stop." I interrupt her. "Never say 'shoulda, woulda, coulda'. I told you that over my first overdose and it still applies." I can see her wince when I say 'first'.  

"We're gonna have a funeral, right?" She looks up at me through watery eyes. "Of course we are." I nod. 

She smiles lightly and looks back at the doll. "Do you think Carol will let me keep this?" She looks at me again. I shrug, "I dunno. How about you ask her later today?" She nods. "Okay." 

After the funeral, everybody disperses to go do God knows what. 

Glenn calls for help from the house, Lori and I look at each other and bolt up to the house. We run inside and see Beth laying in the familiar bed that Carl, Daryl, and I all laid on. "What the hell happened?" I ask, poking my head into the room. "She collapsed." Maggie responds without looking at me. 

"Could be stuck in shock." Lori points out. Maggie doesn't respond. "Where's Hershel?" Lori asks. "We can't find him anywhere." Glenn answers. I groan, "Jesus I just want one day." I step out of the bedroom, Lori, Maggie, and Glenn follow. "Grab Rick." Lori asks Glenn. 

Glenn jogs out of the house, shortly after he returns with Rick and Shane. 

We all make our way up to Hershel's bedroom. It's a cute old person room with floral patterns and cherry wood furniture. There are boxes sitting on the bed. Rick makes his way over there while Shane inspects the top of the dresser and I stand with Lori. 

"Your stepmother's things?" Rick clarifies. "He was so sure she'd recover. That they'd just pick up where they left off." 

"Looks like he found an old friend." My dad says, shaking a flask and tossing it to Rick. 

Maggie walks up to Rick and grabs it. "That belonged to my grandfather, gave it to dad when he died." 

"I didn't take Hershel for a drinker." Rick admits. "No, he gave it up the day I was born. He didn't even allow liquor in the house." Maggie sets the flask on the vanity next to Glenn. 

Sounds like she had some boring teenage years.

"What's the bar in town?" Rick asks. "Hatlin's. He practically lived there in his drinking days." 

Rick looks at Glenn, "Bettin' that's where I'll find 'im." "Yeah, I've seen the place. I'll take you." Glenn offers. "Alright, I'll get the truck." Rick starts to walk away. Maggie stands in the way of Glenn, "No." 


"It's an easy run." Glenn reassures. "Like the pharmacy?" "Hey, Maggie? I'll bring him back." And with that, Rick turns and walks out of the room. 

I make eye contact with my dad as Maggie tries to make Glenn stay. It's obvious him and I both want to claw our ears off so him and I both walk out out of the room, Lori follows behind. 

"Rick? You wanna have a conversation about this before you leave?" Lori asks. "Yeah, seriosuly, Rick. You're gonna go after this guy after everything that's been goin' on?" My dad asks. "He's right." Lori agrees. "This is not the time to head off, not today. You don't always have-" "I'm not arguing." Rick interupts her. "It's the least I can do for Hershel after we-" 

"What?" My dad interupts. "After what?" And with that, he walks in the middle of Lori and Rick and walks away, they both look at me. 

"What?" I ask. 

Rick sighs and shakes his head. "Rick, honestly. I think you should go." "Thank you." He says. "And when you go to that bar can you bring me back-" "No." I groan. 

"Nobody has any fun anymore." I turn and walk away, leaving the two love birds to argue. 

I walk out of the house and begin walking to the camp. My dad appears out of no where, "You think I'm a monster to, don't cha'?" I roll my eyes. 

"What, for opening the barn or back-handing me?" Shane scoffs, "I apologized." "Oh shit! The bruise and cut on my cheekbone from your fucking wolverine fingernails and fucking rock-hard knuckles is gone! Damn! Thanks!" I roll my eyes and speed up, trying to get him to leave me alone.

"Adrian so-" He grabs my wrist and I turn to him. "We can talk about this later." I break my wrist out of his grasp and storm off, just his presence alone pisses me the hell off. 

"Adrian!" Alyssa runs up to me, smiling. "'Sup, 'Lyss?" "Carol said I can keep the doll!" She jumps up and down. "Oh, that's awesome!" I congratulate Alyssa. "Where's dad?" She looks around. "I dunno, washing his bald ass head." She giggles. "Wanna go make bracelets?" She asks. 

I look down at the different yarn shades of red, yellow, and blue, the one that I absent-mindedly made of Glenn.

"Sure." I nod and she grabs my hand and practically drags me to the camp. 

I set at the picnic table and Alyssa runs into our tent. She comes out with the box of yarn and sets it on the table in the middle of us and sits across from me. 

I grab shades of purple, green, and brown and begin to weave them together. Alyssa smiles. "My favorite colors." She says, grinning. 

"Mhm." I nod, continuing my bracelet. 

She continues to smile and begins to weave her bracelet. "What colors did you-" "No!" She hides her bracelet. "It's a surprise." I scoff, "Okay then."

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