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Kim sat in the dimly lit waiting room, his fingers tapping nervously on the armrest of the worn-out chair. The soft hum of the overhead fluorescent lights filled the air, providing the only company in this desolate place. The clock on the wall seemed to move in slow motion, each tick echoing in the silence.


In the cold confines of the hospital, Kim's mind raced with worry and guilt. He replayed porchays last word in his head,"SORRY" wondering if he could have said or done something differently to prevent this tragedy.

The ticking clock on the wall felt like a cruel reminder of the time that was slipping away. He had been waiting for hours, unsure of porchay's condition or whether he would ever wake up. The room's silence was only broken by the distant sounds of hospital staff hurrying about their duties.

Kim clenched his fists, tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn't lose PORCHAY, not like this. He was the love of his life, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep him alive .

Finally, a doctor emerged from the hallway, and Kim's heart leaped into his throat. The doctor approached him with a solemn expression, and Kim's breath caught in his chest as he awaited the news that would determine their future.


I was sitting in the waiting corridor alone. Every minute, every hour felt like a decade. My head was lining up to the wall. I didn't have any strength left to fight or cry. I just wanted him to be safe and sound.

He came close to me and touched my shoulder.
"He'll be fine."he said consoling me. I had a lot of questions in mind, i wanted to know the answer. But right now i wasn't in the mind to say anything. I kept silent and he set beside me.

After around 3 to 4 hours doctor got out from the operation room , he  had a solemn expression. He approached us.

"Is he Alive ?" I asked him with a blank expression on my face.

"A lot of blood has been drained from his body. After examining his body , he wasn't in a very good shape either. But we really did our best. Now everything is on God's wish."doctor said lowering his head.

I fall on the chair. "He can't leave me. He can't leave me here alone. I haven't even said him , how much i love him. I can't lose him." Tears roll down as i blabber.

I couldn't control my tears anymore. I was broken again. Even though he was angry at me but he tried to calm me down but no one except chay could calm me down now. So he left.

I asked the doctor if i could see him. He gave me permission. After having permission i went inside.


In the dimly lit ICU room, monitors beeped rhythmically, their green lines tracing the fragile dance of life. Kim sat by porchays bedside, the flickering fluorescent lights casting shadows across his worried face. Porchay motionless, surrounded by a tangle of tubes and wires.As the ventilator hissed softly, memories flooded kim's mind. He remembered how chay used to fight with him , how he used to smile. Now, he lay vulnerable, his face pale, and his once-strong hands now frail.

The ICU felt like a realm between worlds, where time stood still, and hope and despair hung in the balance.

Kim whispered , "Please don't leave me Chay , please stay with me. You said you won't ever get bored with me. So please don't leave me. I'll do everything you say. I'll never touch you again without your will. I'll never keep you in that place again. Please come back to me. Please." He was crying continuesly. He couldn't hold his tears for any longer.

His guilt weighed him down like an anchor.He wanted to apologize, to beg for forgiveness, but he knew that words alone could never make up for what he had done.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he took chay's cold, fragile hand in his own. He whispered his apology, pouring out his guilt and remorse, hoping that somehow, he could hear him, that he would find it in his heart to forgive him.

Kim confronted the consequences of his actions and the depth of his guilt. He was determined to do whatever it took to make amends and find a way to heal the wounds he had inflicted on the person he loved.

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