Sky Mirror AU

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So, as a group we are called the Sky People, yes?

So what if we take that literally.

Skyians, a race of people that live in the sky, using magic to live up higher than any race could ever hope to reach by flying or building. As a result, over generations and generations, the magic slowly infuses into us, making us look like the sky. Pretty much humanoid shapes made of clouds, mist, water, ice and whatever could be found in the sky.

As a result, most of us are physically unable to go and explore the world below us, for the magic to give us a more human looking body is too strong for us to do, and if we head down to the world without using the spell, we'd die a slow painful death.

So, we came up with a solution. Using magic, we are able to see out of the eyes of whatever Skyian who was able to complete the spell to give them a more human-like body.

Of course, as you are probably assuming, Sabre is one of the few to be able to go down and explore.

So one day, after the excitement from the last exploration finally died out and boredom set in for us (for living high up has not much happening) Sabre sets up for another exploration.

Now, of course, magic can't just have pros without any cons. The spell, while granting the user a more human looking body, comes with the cost of minor to major amnesia, along with the fact that the spell can't completely cover up what the spellcaster is.

Sabre casts the spell, gets placed down in the world, and pretty much forgets everything. He knows that he wants an adventure and that he needs to go somewhere eventually, but the rest are vague feelings.

So when he sees the Blue Steve, he's curious, and follows.

Void meanwhile, is confused on how a soul suddenly appeared when he should have felt one walking closer to the tomb, but he doesn't question it too much. He's getting what he wants, and that's good enough for him.

Sabre ends up in the Steve World, and boy does that solve his adventure issue.

Now a fun thing about the missing memory thing. He doesn't remember what humans look like or the fact that getting sent to a new world isn't usual, so he doesn't freak out when he sees the Red Steve.

Scout Red Steve is actually really confused on why Sabre is so calm, but accepts it after a bit of time. The whole darkness issue happens, Sabre meets Orange, and then the Rainbow Hub.

Its a day or two later Orange suspected something isn't normal with Sabre. The amnesia thing has already been discovered, but Orange is pretty sure humans don't change color.

You see, Skyians are directly tied to the sky. The sky mirrors them, and the Skyians mirror the sky.

Meaning two things.

1- Sabre's appearance changes with how the sky is. The main points being eyes, hair, voice. Skin tone changes minorly, but not much. Since the spell is trying to hide these points, they're somewhat hidden, but not completely. For the hair, it's as if Sabre dyed his hair brown on the top, and occasionally other colors might appear underneath the brown. Eye- blindfold, duh. Voice, not much can be done. Skin- long sleeves and pants.

Anyways, here are some examples.

Clear skies: Hair has a blue undertone, eyes are the color of the sky (blue), voice is steady and Sabre's skin almost looks as if he is deprived of oxygen. Not to noticeable, but a light blue tint to the extremities.

Raining: Gray hair undertone, eyes are a gray color. Voice is a little deeper than normal and Sabre's skin almost looks ashy.

Thunderstorm: dark gray to black undertone, with occasional white streaks, eyes go pitch black to gray, occasionally flashing pure white. Voice tends to crack and change octaves without warning. Sabre almost looks as if he was infected with the darkness (a heart attack for any Steve if they do not know about Sabre's changing appearance)

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