"You are too young to be so -" He tries as he walks over and reaches for her but clearly wri by move.

"And you are too familiar." She bites back.

"Forgive me, Khaleesi. No one can survive in this world without help. No one. Let me help you, please. Tell me how." He says, and she turns her head in his direction.

"Find my dragons."  She says, making Jorah walk out of the room.

"I've increased the number of men who are searching. They'll find them." I state as i cross my arms over my chest. 

"I have a meeting with Thritheen soon." She says as she turns in my direction.

"Go ill continue to search, and tell them that if anything happened to them, I'll let my army lose on Qarth." I state before walking away from her.

Walking out the villa, I soon see Hassan walk over with 5 men, and I run my hand through my hair.

"Found anything?" I ask, and he shakes his head as he falls in pace with me.  "No, my lord." He says, and I take a deep breath.

"Continue to look, I'll be at the ship."


"The sword is ready, my lord." Rogar says as he walks over with a sheeted short sword, and I take it out of its sheet.

Looking it over, I give him a smile. "It's beautiful,  Rogar. Thank you." I say as I do some practice swings with it. It will be perfect for Rickon it's not too heavy, but it will protect him.

"It was my pleasure, my lord. I hope it severs your brother well." He says with a small bow before walking away.

Putting the sword in its sheet again, I walk over to Rickon, who's still training with Corwyn.

"Watch your left, little lord." Corwyn says, and I let a smile grow on my face as they spar together.

As Corwyn smacks his wooden sword against Rickon's left side, he drops his own one to the ground.

"That's not fair!" Rickon whines out, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips .

"Rickon, your sword is done." I say, and his head quickly turns in my before running over with wide eyes.

"It is!" He yells with excitement, and I give him a nod before having him  the sheet.

"The pommel is a black wolf, because why?"  I ask him as I squad down. "Because our signal is a dire wolf." He says, and I give him a nod.

"Indeed, no matter where our journey leads us or how far we are all apart from each other, we are Stark's, and nothing will ever change that." I say before he takes the sword out.

"It's beautiful." Rickon says, and I give him a nod. "It is, but it's not a toy, Rickon. And you never should use it as a toy." I say, and he gives me a nod.

"I promise Erik." Rickon says as he sheets his short sword again.  "Now to back to  training. With wooden swords." I state as I stand up, and he runs back to Corwyn again. 

"Lord Stark!" I hear Daenerys yells , and I walk over to the railing. "Yes?" I ask, and she looks scared? 

"I know where they are, but I could really use your help and that if your men." She says, and I give her a nod.

"Where are they?" I ask as I walk down onto the dock while she looks frantically around her.

"Xaro has named himself King he has given them to the warlocks. We need to get them back." She says and what an absolute fucking asshole.

"Corwyn, Hassan find our men who are searching for the dragons and take this self claimed  king his villa. Rogar, stay with Rickon." I state as I look up at the ship.

Looking behind me, I see 10 of my men sitting on some boxes. "You guys with me." I state and they shoot up before walking over.

Hearing soft growls the dire wolves stalk over to me and I give Jorhan a smirk who look in slight fear.

"Don't be scared Jorah they don't have a desire for a disgraceful knight. Now Daenerys, let's go find your children." I  state as I start walking away with my men and the dire wolves besides me.

(Rickon's short sword but with a black dire wolf head )

(Rickon's short sword but with a black dire wolf head )

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