An Update on the Update!

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Hello, my beautiful readers! =D

First of all: TSC has not been abandoned. This is a passion project, so it'll be a cold day in hell before I leave this baby to rot, so to speak!

Since TSC has been on hiatus for months now, I'm sure you're all wondering what in the blazes is going on.

I apologize for the radio silence, but I've been trying to make a firm decision one way or another. Namely, I HATE rewriting chapters on a weekly basis. It really destroys my ability to nudge everything into place (alignment can really only be "perfected"—as much as anything can be, that is—via extensive editing, as far as I'm concerned) and being something of a perfectionist (I've mostly kicked this habit, actually, but it's not fully gone, y'know?), I am unreasonably upset by what I've been producing.

As such, I have decided to leave TSC on hiatus until I complete two tasks:

Edit what I have now to the current chapter so everything is consistent and of the highest possible quality for a web novel;

Finish rewriting Book I.

That's right. I'm going to finish rewriting the entire thing before I start posting again. The upside to this is that if everything's done, I can probably just schedule the chapters to auto-update two or three times a week. This means we can get through the first book even faster! With that said, I'm going to throttle that speed a little to give myself time to finish writing Book II, because I want that book to be done before I start posting again, too.

Thank you for your patience, and I apologize for my erraticism (but you're used to it by now, right? I mean, creatives! We're so messy!*).

Cheers, and hopefully, see you all soon! =)


*Haha, this is not 100% true, but this is my excuse and I'm sticking with it. Lol? 

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