Chapter Nine: Familiar Faces

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Author's Note

15/03/2023: My thanks to StainedGlassThreads for catching that stealthy typo! =)

19/10/2023: My thanks toScheissdrauf for catching that missing word! =)


"Ba'an salu-Ba'an." Vaa'ti's familiar face was cool and composed, even when confronted with Lukios' steel. She said the Ba'an in place of her name-chain with emphasis, as though to remind Ba'an of her position.

Ba'an felt Lukios tense. He did not understand the significance of the words, but he had picked up on her tone. It had riled him.

Vaa'ti did not seem particularly worried Lukios would attack her. If anything, she seemed contemptuous, the way one would feel about a particularly yappy lap dog, like the ones fancy Dolkoi'ri women kept.

She ignored him and addressed Ba'an again in K'Avaari. A Dolkoi'ri man was of no importance to Vaa'ti at all—like a gnat on the wall.

"An outlander?" Her jaw tightened. "You replaced my brother with that?"

"He is my guest and you will use your manners. Leave if you cannot." Ba'an's voice cracked out like a whip, though Vaa'ti only sneered. How could Vaa'ti speak like this when Lukios was standing right there?

"Vaa'ti! Stop! We did not come here to pick a fight."


Ba'an felt her throat constrict as she swallowed. Both of them? Why? Why would they both leave the shi-vuti to see her now?

...Had something terrible happened to Vala-Tu'rin Tribe?

"Ba'an!" Salu'ka's face was much friendlier than Vaa'ti's. She broke out into a bright smile, though Ba'an noticed her face seemed strangely bloated. Even in the moonlight her complexion was pale and blotchy. A large shadow moved with her.


"Ba'an." Ku'rin held Salu'ka's elbow as they walked forward to greet her. It didn't take long for the reason to be obvious.

Her belly was huge.

Salu'ka smiled at Lukios and tilted her head in acknowledgement. "I am Val-Tur'in na Nur-Yai'na salu-Salu'ka."

"I am Val-Tur'in na Mir-Aya'ka salu-Ku'rin."

Salu'ka's Dolkoi'ri had never been good, but even she could introduce herself. Ku'rin was the same.

Lukios seemed somewhat taken aback by the civil greeting, which was embarrassing.

Vaa'ti had been so rude.

"I am Lukios of House Helios, Synoros Estate."

Ba'an did not know enough about Dolkoi'ri to understand what his name meant. She doubted any of her ex-tribesmen did either, though...House Helios. House Helios. Hm. Something about it tickled the back of her mind, but when she reached out to grasp it, it slipped away like a dream.

Ba'an turned her attention to her apprentice—ex-apprentice—who was now speaking in K'Avaari. The sound of it spoken by her own people was like music, a song Ba'an had not heard in the many years of her exile, and she swallowed the sudden lump in her throat before she continued.

"Salu'ka. Ku'rin. Congratula—" Ba'an broke off abruptly as she felt something in Salu'ka's belly twist. Ah.

Now it made sense.

Ba'an looked at Salu'ka's swollen face, her bloated belly.

"Ba'an?" Lukios didn't take his eyes from the cluster of three in front of him but he did turn his head, just a little. She brushed past him and pressed her hands against Salu'ka's belly.

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