Interlude: A Conclusion, Part II

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So, next time I try to say there's some kind of update coming, please add like, 5 days to that estimate, at least. XD

As I'm sure you've guessed, this one got a bit longer than planned. But I suspect you'll still like it, because it's OH SO JUICY. Feel the dramas and the llamas! =D

I'm aiming for a Sunday update for the last part of this interlude (and it is the last part, lol. I finished the whole thing but it's too long for a single update. Also, needs more cutting/editing). So! Back to Sunday updates it is!

Thanks for your patience, everyone! One day, I will master the art of scheduling updates! But not today, or even this week, ahahah.

Please do let me know if anything in this section makes no sense or is otherwise confusing. I cut a lot, then I added stuff back in, then I cut it out allll over again! So yeah, any feedback on that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you~~~<3!

04/05/2023: Removed mention of Uchos because there is no reason to drag a messenger along with them, lol. He should definitely be staying with Medoros!


Nikias resisted the urge to scrub his face with his hands.

Dolus stood with his back to the wall, eyes and ears alert even as he slouched with his arms crossed over his chest. Medoros was sighing in between instructions as the slaves packed Nikias' things.

Despite his efforts, there was no fooling his aide.

"Perhaps you ought to sleep, Young Master?" Medoros paused to tut at a passing slave before turning back to his charge.

Nikias shook his head, waving away assistance as he changed out of his toga for a simpler, more sensible outfit for travelling. "The night is far from over, Medoros."

The old man shook his head, sounding perfectly put out. "There's no reason for you to involve yourself, Young Master. Sir Lukios is a grown man. Let him handle his own affairs."

Nikias said nothing. He would have dearly loved allowing Lukios to handle his own affairs, but this was a matter of honour: Nikias owed the man his life twice over.

Such debts could not be discharged so easily, and besides—Gaios was rather wroth with them both, so leaving the strategos alone for a day or two was common sense.

Not that he thought Gaios would behave rashly, but...

The man had a tendency toward extreme pettiness. He'd find some way to take it out on the slaves or even the horses.

No, it was best to be away until the old man's temper cooled further.

He left the slaves and Medoros to finish preparations. Normally, Nikias would have stayed to manage the transfer of goods and equipment to the carriage whether his aide was present or not, but the night—and his sanity—was growing long in the tooth. The sound of feet and the scrape of clothes chests opening and closing were enough to send a throb between his temples, so he took himself out to the balcony for air.

It was quieter outside, though not silent. He could still hear muffled thumps and Medoros' exclamations through the walls. Dolus was silent as always, a second shadow as he dogged Nikias' steps.

The young scion of House Astros breathed in, slowly. The air was cold and crisp, tasting of autumn. Beneath the tang of leaves was the smell of soil, settling in the back of his throat with each inhalation.

He gave himself to the count of sixty before turning back to the estate.

He ought to interrupt whatever it was Lukios was doing. The man had been instructed to inform the women and then to return to his room to pack, but he was still with lady Ba'an; knowing Lukios, he was comforting her by driving her quite mad.

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