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Ruhi's pov

The sky was filled with menacing clouds, and the air was heavy with anticipation. Suddenly, a symphony of thunder boomed, shaking the ground beneath. Each lightning bolt illuminated the darkness, revealing the raw power of the storm. Rain poured down in torrents, creating a mesmerizing rhythm. However these thunderous night werent a cup of my tea, ever since i remember i use to cuddle up between my parents shaking and shivering due to the loud noises but both of them kept me at ease by telling me fantasy stories and providing me with warmth which helped me sleep peacefully.

But thats not the case right now, i was hiding under the desk with my knees upto my chest as i hid my face, i breathed out reminding myself and chanting the same mantra ' i am fine, you are fine, we are fine' heavy rains and the roaring of clouds was enough for me to panic but tonight nature was putting on a show truly, their was lightening, thunders, rains, dark charcoal sky no stars. No mercy. I was scared, every passing minutes it felt like hell to me. 

My breaths werent steady at all but i gathered my shit and crawled out of the desk. 'I am strong, you are strong, we are strong' i sniffed and stood up with wobbly legs moving to the door knob. Veer wouldnt mind if i slept with him, would he? There is a reason he gave me another room duh! But maybe just for today? Maybe? I twisted the door knob and opened the door peeking out my legs still shaking along with my hands, my heart flinching everytime the clouds roared and more tears followed.

The halls were dark, the power went out making my heart more sink down "papa" i breathed out my hands holding the door knob i couldnt see futher, my feet refused to move as i slid down the door "veer! Papa! I am scared!! Mama! Papa your ru is scared papa!! Veer!" I continuosly cried. I felt uneasy, i felt i would stop breathing any moment ... panic attack.

I heard footsteps igniting a fear as well as hope, i saw him.

Veer's pov

I came out of shower thinking about ruhi's behaviour in the evening my lips twitching into a smile, i never knew she was a fierce cat anyhow aarav had given me a big ass lecture altough that man himself was lifeless. I came out and threw a comfy pair of clothes but the very next moment the power went out, it had been raining horribly from the past one hour i originally planned to check up on ruhi but guess i'll check the power first.

"What's wrong with the power"
"A small issue sir we'll get it fixed in a minute dont worry"

I slid my phone and heard ruhi, fear captured my heart. I ran to her room and turned on the flashlight only to find her sitting with the door crying miserably like a kid continuously calling out for me and rudra uncle. My heart pained as if someone had stabbed it a couple of times.

"Ruhi!" I sat down cupping her face and moved her hair out of her face tucking them back "rooh what happened, look at me! Rooh look at me open your eyes" suddenly the power came back and i saw her face, tear stained cheeks, red lips with a sign of blood explaining how hard she had been biting on them. 

She opened her eyes and looked at me "you are fine, you are alright ok" my tone turned out to be softer than the usual. Her tiny fist gripped my shirt and fresh tears gathered in her eyes, her lips wobbly "come here, everything is ok" i 'unintentionally' pulled her in my chest securing my arms around her. I lifted her up as she snuggled in my chest and sat on the bed. Her small arms wrapped around me and her head burried in my neck "i-i was so scare-d i thought, i thou-ght i will die" she hiccuped as i ran my hand on her back soothing her down which succeeded.

She pulled away and looked at me as i stared back at here "you are scared of the dark?" She was twisting the bottom of her shirt feeling embaressed but nodded "anything else you are scared of? I'll keep in check next time" a strand fell infront of her face distrubing my beautiful view so i pushed it back, her cheeks slowly turning pink. 

"Thunders and-" she lifted her lashes and looked at me returning to back to the position "and?" 

Her lips parted "you" i was amused by her answer. Adorable. A laugh erupted from my chest making her smile as well "why are you scared of me?" I released the shirt from her fingers and held them in my hand making her stiff "hmm?" I gazed back at her "i wont tell" mischieve shined in her eyes and i decided to play along so that she could be distracted from this whole situation.

"Dont i have a right to know miss" she cutely shook her head "nu-uh it a secret i wont tell" i raised an eyebrow challenging her, the next minute i flipped her on the bed and started tickling her earning melodious laughter from her, for a minute a froze. I never knew something could sound this beautiful and soothing, fuck this is my favourite sound from now on.

"Stop stop stop i cant breath" and so i did, my eyes landing on her chest heaving up and down but suddenly she latched on me because of the loud thunder. "Stay with me please" her eyes begged and then who was i to resist such beauty "lets go to my room" she nodded and lifted her up "oh wait mr. Swifty!!" She wiggled down making me frown but then i understood, my new rival had entered the game, it was an avacado!! 

A freaking avacado which was lying under the desk nevertheless i took her to the room and tucked her in as she held the fucking piece of avacado in her grip

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A freaking avacado which was lying under the desk nevertheless i took her to the room and tucked her in as she held the fucking piece of avacado in her grip. I closed the door and pulled down the blinds so the noise could resume but the sky had alot to blast today.

I too slipped in the covers and looked at her who was shivering trying to her best to show "ruhi" i softly called her out as she flipped over to face me "hmm" her eyes were droopy making me coo at her. I stared at her until she fell asleep and then pulled her closer in my embrace kicking off the piece of avacado huh! Bitch. 


One step closer, thanks to aarav who gave some brain to this complicated boy 😭. What are your thoughts about rhe chapter? We bave reaches ro 1500 followers on insta and i am willing to see the number turn out greater, i will keep providing you with fun content but ofcource i do need the support of each and everyone 💕💕 love you all take care 


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