[4] A Plan and its Fruition

Start from the beginning

"YouTube?" I lied, watching the man give me a stunned look.

"Y-youtube?! You can learn such things from there?! What a progressive era we live in!"

He lifted me with his arms, smiling. "I have seen quite a few baby prodigies, but you definitely take the cake. Can you act too? Are you an acting prodigy?"

Am I? Of course, I am. I've been acting since my 2nd life, I had to pretend to be a normal person and not a reincarnator. I've been lying to my birth parents for so many lives, pretending to be a normal baby. When you live as long as I have and meddle with old men scheming to take over nations and planets, you'll have to know how to lie. How to act. I knew how this game worked.

"You'll make a good face on the screen. My name is Taishi Gotanda, I want to put you in something. What do you say?"

Finally, the opportunity had arrived. With my acting ability, I could put the seed of doubt in Ruby's heart, and she would come to ask me about what I was. I gave him a nod even as I prepared plans in my head.

Soon we left, but before leaving I couldn't help but go give Rias Gremory a KitKat. She looked too sad for my liking, and the candy seemed to do wonders to lift her mood. As I planned, she didn't get to drag me to play with her since we were leaving, we didn't even exchange any words.

* * *

A few days later, we received a call from Director Gotanda. It was a small movie he was directing, where Ai will be a supporting character. However, I too will be acting, as a minor character.

"Whoa, my cutest Aquamarine sure caught the director's attention." Ai hugged me in the car, rubbing her cheeks with mine, as Ruby gave me a jealous glare that was very rare recently.

Sadly, I have lived my life acting, so I had no desire to take this as a career path. I knew that the main character in the cannon timeline had become an actor, but I had no intention to walk that path. This is purely a one-time thing.

"Listen up, prodigy baby,"

We reached the filming area, which was an open forest-like terrain with mountains in the background this time, and the director pulled me away to the side to talk.

"The casting is almost always decided by higher-ups. Only a handful of super big shot directors can choose their own casts, either that or it's the directors who are working on a small-scale movie."

Director Taishi Gotanda was working on a small-scale movie, I recalled.

To my surprise, he lifted me up and then pointed at a tree in the far, under which a red-haired girl sat. My Copper Eyes caught the destruction aura coming out of her.

"I heard you gave that girl candy. She was so happy that she told her father to give her a chance to produce a big film if you were in it. So while this was supposed to be a small project at first, now that I have a big producer, I think this will be popular. Thanks, kid."


I just stared at the girl who ate a KitKat bar while staring at the distant mountains. As if noticing my gaze, she turned to me and gave a smile, the red aura of destruction calming around her.

Fucking KitKat. I didn't plan to attract her attention.

* * *

[Third Person Point of View – Ruby]

She didn't like her twin brother. He was a normal baby, yet he now had an acting career.

All right, to say she "didn't like him" would be wrong. She did like him, he was cute, and his usual silence was lovely. She was just a bit sour about why he got the acting offer but not her, while she was a reincarnator. She didn't really hate it though since she always wanted to be an Idol, not an actress.

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