Chapter 8: A Promise Sealed with a Kiss

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After finishing his cooking, Bakugo made his way back upstairs to Deku's room, carrying the delicious meal in his hands. He settled onto the bed, propping himself up with pillows, and turned on the TV, seeking some sort of distraction.

As the movie played on the screen, Bakugo found himself only half paying attention, his mind constantly drifting back to Deku. He wondered what Deku was doing and when he would return. Though he knew he had to trust Deku and give him space, worry still clawed at him.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Bakugo heard the sound of the door opening. His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned off the TV, ready to greet Deku.

"Hey, you're back," Bakugo said pausing the tv and  getting up from the bed, relief evident in his voice as he saw Deku enter the room. Deku walked towards him, exhaustion evident in his eyes.

"Yeah, I had a great time," Deku replied, his voice filled with excitement. "But I'm glad to be back here with you."

Bakugo's worry melted away, replaced by a sense of happiness. He wrapped his arms around Deku, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I missed you," he whispered, his voice brimming with happiness.

Deku leaned into the embrace, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "I missed you too, Kacchan," he replied, his tone filled with warmth and affection.

They stood there, holding each other, finding comfort in their embrace. In that moment, the worries of the outside world faded into the background as they focused on their deep love for each other.

Bakugou guided Deku back onto the soft embrace of the bed, a flicker of excitement dancing in his crimson eyes. The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of the TV screen casting a warm ambiance around them. Bakugou reached for the remote and pressed play, the movie's gentle melody filling the air.

As the movie played in the background, Bakugou's attention shifted to the bowl of delicious mapo tofu on the nightstand. He placed the bowl beside him and couldn't help but take small bites, savoring the flavors that danced on his tongue. Occasionally, he raised the chopsticks to Deku's lips, offering him a taste of the mouthwatering dish. Deku accepted with a smile, his eyes reflecting gratitude.

With each passing moment, the world outside their little cocoon seemed to fade away. Bakugou's focus was solely on the movie and the presence of the person beside him. He continued to feed himself and Deku, their actions in a tender rhythm that spoke of their deep connection.

After the last piece of food had been shared, Bakugou carefully placed the empty bowl on the nightstand. He then shifted his attention back to Deku, cuddling close in his arms. The worries and anxieties that had earlier melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and a high amount of love.

In the safety of their embrace, Bakugou's heart swelled with gratitude. He cherished Deku's love, the unbreakable bond they shared, and the precious moments they spent together. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he knew that as long as they faced them side by side, they would overcome anything that stood in their way.

Whispering into the quiet space between them, Bakugou's voice carried a mixture of tenderness and affection. "I'm so grateful that I'm dating you, nerd," he confessed, his words laced with happiness. Deku's smile widened, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he snuggled even closer, finding solace in the warmth of Bakugou's love.

As the night deepened, Deku and Bakugou found themselves sinking deeper into each other's embrace. With each passing moment, they felt their bodies relax, their breathing slowing down as sleep overtook them. The weight of the day's worries melted away, replaced by a comforting sense of peace and contentment. Wrapped in each other's arms, they found solace and warmth, their love creating a sanctuary from the outside world. In the quiet darkness, they drifted off into a peaceful slumber, their bond growing stronger with each passing breath.

In the sanctuary of their embrace, time seemed to stand still. They were two souls intertwined, finding strength and comfort in each other's arms. They knew that no matter what the future held, their love would guide them through, lighting their path with unwavering bond.


Alright, guys, who else is feeling like the only single pringle in this chapter? Raise your hand high and proud! I mean, seriously, can we have a moment of silence for my love life? It's like my insecurities are playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek, and they're winning every single round. Can't they just take a vacation or something? I'm ready to dive into a relationship, but these insecurities of mine are like the overprotective parents who won't let me have any fun. It's a tragicomedy, A true rollercoaster of emotions.🥲

Word Count:1507

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