Lady Anya and Lunch

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With the second trial over, Galen and I walked through the north section of the gardens for half an hour before returning to the castle to change into garden party-appropriate attire. My day dress would have worked, but Galen's plain tunic would not. 

Located in the south section of the garden is a large white tent. It's usually used for garden parties and picnics. I used to enjoy this place a lot when I was younger. 

Kaelen, Galen, Ella, Altair and I used to come here for picnics of our own. We'd raid the kitchens and sneak out here. It was wonderful, and on occasion, I'd show off the magic skills I'd learned the previous day. 

Galen and I are almost the last ones to arrive. Zorian and Kaelen took their time but arrived just ahead of us. My uncles made it before us. Even Uncle Carys arrived before us, and he's notorious for being tardy.

Sharrn and Liron walk into the open tent late because my brother has to find and drag Sharrn away from High Mage Bryren. Liron and Sharrn run over to Father and Uncle Carys and greet them before finding seats at the twenty-foot table.  

A few minutes later, lunch is called. Galen and I find seats. On my left is Galen, on my right is Kaelen and beside him are Josslyn and Lord Zarrak. Everyone else takes a seat, and the food is brought out. 

Servants bring out sweetmeats, fresh fruit, honey, cheese and loaves of bread for savouries, deviled eggs, quiches, roasted carrots, peppers, onions and nuts.

An aromatic tea is poured into our cups. Uncles Aveyard, Ignatius, Hadriel and Father pour milk and add a spoonful of sugar. Like Uncle Carys, I prefer to keep my tea free of sugar or milk of any kind. If steeped properly, tea is sweet on its own.

"How do you like working under High Mage Bryren?" Kaelen asks Sharrn. Kaelen loved learning from High Mage Bryren. It was his favourite activity when we were Sharrn's age. 

"I enjoy it much more than father would like,"

"Your brother seems to think you enjoy Vespera more than Evanath," I bring my cup to my mouth and sip. "Is he right?"

"I enjoy the work, but I miss Evanath," Sharrn states. He flicks his wrist, and a warm breeze flows through the tent. It's a perfect execution of the spell. His control has certainly improved. 

"And Uncle Carys is listening," Kaelen smiles, leaning closer to our cousin. 


Galen, Sharrn, Kaelen and I laugh. On the other hand, Uncle Carys rolls his eyes at our foolishness, or so he mutters. This has us laughing harder. 

While sitting on a cushioned bench an hour later, Galen asks how I'm enjoying being back in Vespera. 

It's not a hard question. It's an easy one that really doesn't need to be answered. But I answer the Duke anyway. "I'm glad to be around family that's not Kaelen and Neirin. But I do miss Vanora. It calls to me through the bond," 

"Truly it can do that?"

"It can, and it sings of my cousin's triumph and his worries,"

"He'll be glad to know King Carys doesn't intend to step down for one hundred years,"

"He will be,"

The clearing of a throat startles Galen and me. We glance to our right, and standing beside me is Sir Gren. Sir Gren leans down and tells me he's caught a female trying to break into the castle. 

"Where is she?"

Sir Gren moves out of the way to show two knights, Sir Alysstar and Sir Ràild, holding a female between them. A red-headed female. More specifically, a red-headed lady.

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