Castle of Nuriel

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Kaelen's Pov

Since we left Zion, the capital of Lucien, we've come across several travelling groups. Each time we passed one, they would ask how our journey was going, where we were headed, how long we'd been on the road, and if we'd like to join them for dinner or whatever meal was the closest. 

It's all fascinating. Especially their accents. It's so much more posh than my own. It's strange. They sound like Uncle Aveyard and Uncle Hadriel but looser in their pronunciation. They must find our accents strange. 

But Sir Haedyn, his is the most different. He doesn't roll or tap his r's. It's more straightforward. It's a wonder he can understand us with our thick accents. 

"Thank you again for the food," I holler as we ride down the path to Anore, the capital of Nuriel. Spirits, some females like to shove food onto your plate just to keep you there. This one was no exception. 

"Kael, we can't keep stopping for food with strangers," Altair states, leaning over his horse to talk with me in a hushed tone. 

"They're watching. Smile and wave," I tell Altair as I wave from my horse. 

Altair looks back and gives a curt wave before turning and urging his horse into a canter. He's right. We need to make up for lost time. Father married Mother on the eighteenth. It's the fiftieth today. We're running out of time. 

We'll have to ride through the night. It might be the only way to reach the spot on the eighteenth. I don't like it, but it has to be done. We cannot be late. Arriving on time is pertinent in this quest. If Vanora is to be risen, we must arrive on time. 

"We may have to ride through a night if we're to reach the edge of Nuriel by the eighteenth,"

"I was just thinking that," Ella pipes up. Her confident words ease us into believing we can reach Anore before the day ends. It's unbelievable to think she gets nervous talking to large groups. She speaks so well. 

Ella further explains how long it will take us to reach the castle at our current speed. We could arrive ahead of the night if we pick up the pace and keep at a trot instead of an even walk. I like her idea. 

There is a reason Father wants to knight her. Intelligent, easily handles a blade, proficient with magic, and her parents opposed her training, she pushed herself to prove she could handle herself with the grace of a lady and the might of a knight twice her age. 

And she achieved her goal at the age of sixteen, almost seventeen. Ella is easily the best fighter in Caelora, aside from Galen, Uncle Colt and High General Daeris. 

Just like Everest is the best mage in Caelora aside from Father and High Mage Bryren. If Everest wanted, she could have High Mage Bryren's job. But my sister is more interested in the kingdom's inner workings than usurping Father's High Mage. 

"We can reach Anore tonight, pick up supplies and continue on our way,"

"I believe that's for the best," 

"How long will we stay in Anore?" Sir Haedyn asks, popping open his water sack. The knight drinks deeply from it. 

"Long enough to change, eat and pack," Ella states. I'm glad we're on the same page. It may not be enough to ride through one night. We may have to ride through two, but we need food. A beggar decided to ravage ours during the night. 

Hence the stopping to share with those we come across. 

For hours, we keep a slow trot, slowing to a walk when one of the horses shows signs of fatigue. It's a more leisurely ride than we thought. 

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