The Proposal of Galen Arthurion

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15 Celeste of the year 13006

My ears perk up at the sound of a dress sweeping the ground and the soft thumps of boots walking my way. She's almost here. This is it.

I do a once-over of the area. Checking that all candles are lit, the rose petals are delicately spewed about, and the basket is beside the bench—the blanket is perfectly positioned. I have the ring. I check its spot, and thankfully, it's there.

I don't have to wait long for Everest to round the corner. Her expression is one I would love a painter to capture. Everest doesn't stop grinning even as she walks the rest of the way over. She takes in the scene, and if possible, her smile widens.

"Gale..this is beautiful," She smiles, glancing around once more before her gaze settles on me. "How did you find the time to do this?"

"Someone I know told me anything is possible as long as you make time," I grin. She will call me on what I just said. I may or may not have hinted that she would be quoted. But I didn't. Everest doesn't waste time in doing so, either.

Everest plants her hands on her hips. "If you're trying to quote me, you're going to have to pick another because you just quoted my Father,"

I chuckle and pull her down onto the blanket. A gift from King Avalon. It was the blanket he used when he proposed to Queen Brielle. He said it was his lucky charm. Now it's mine.

"I know. You'll find out why I quoted him later. But first, would you like to eat?" I shift my body and pull the basket out.

"Eat? We just had dinner?"

"That is why I brought dessert," I grin. Spirits, am I glad I made Coconut Cream Pie earlier. Esmerelda wanted to make it, but I decided it would be a personal touch to the night and calm my nerves.

I'm certain Everest will love this. I carefully lift the pie out. Then I grab two plates and the necessary utensils.

" that coconut cream pie?" Everest asks. I don't have to look at her to know her expression is nothing short of amazed and lustful. If I know anything about Everest Avalonion, it's that she loves coconut cream pie.

"It is, and I made it," I proudly say, cutting us both a slice.

"I didn't know you could bake?"

"Da taught me every Sunday, that's before I joined your Father's knights," I hand her a piece of the pie. She immediately takes a bite. I watch as her eyes light up.

"Spirits, this is delicious!"

"Thank you," I softly smile and serve myself a slice.

After a moment of silence, Everest asks the question I've been dreading. I need this to be a surprise. "What's this about? Have you and Altair gotten into trouble on the town? I swear, Galen, if I have to pay a tavern for a night's worth of drinking, I will have you horse-drawn and quartered,"

Holy spirits. Well, I wasn't going to mention that. But that was Ella. Not that Altair and I didn't drink our fair share, but she drank most of the wine.

"What do you mean?" I place my pie down and take a second to still my shaking hands.

She easily points out the obvious, along with a slight joke. "You never ask me out. We usually eat in,"

"I wanted this to be perfect, so I asked Kael and your Father. They gave me suggestions," I pull out a small black box from inside the picnic basket.

Inside the box is the ring. I designed it to fit her personality. Two pieces of gold woven together with diamonds at each intersection. It's a stunning piece of craftsmanship. Fit for a Queen. King Avalon had suggested something with more jewels and pazazz, but I know Everest better, and this is more her.

"Everest Avalonion, I've been wanting to ask you this for the longest time," I hold the box open and watch her expression change from confusion to pure joy.

"Ever since I met you as a young child, I've been in love, but since I was a child, I turned that into annoyance. Over the years, I've fallen deeper and deeper. Everest, you are the light of my life. Before these years together, my life was deprived of colour. Today, it's filled with joy and life. Now I ask you, Everest Avalonion, with the whole of my heart, will you do me the honour and marry me?"  


"I—I know I was very forward, but—"

Everest cuts me off. Grinning brightly, she gives her answer. "Gale, my answer has been yes since the day we met,"

Everest smiles. There's the smile that could light even the darkest caves. I scramble to take the ring from the box and slide it on her finger. "My answer will always be yes."

She takes my face in her dainty hands and softly kisses my lips. As Everest pulls away, I can't help but pull her back in. My heart fills with joy, and we enjoy a passionate kiss.

After the kiss, Everest apologizes for saying she will have me horse-drawn and quartered. I must have looked terrified, but it's nothing compared to what is to come. We are to wed. I chuckle and tell her to keep the horses in the stable.

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