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17 Neso of the year 13006

Galen's Pov

Oh, for the spirit's sake, Arthurion. Just knock on the damn door! You can do this. It's not that hard. The knocking is easy. The question, on the other hand...It's only a question that will decide whether you get married or not. 

No big deal. 

I rap my knuckles on the door. The sharp sound echoes through the room. "King Avalon? It's Duke Galen Arthurion,"

Deep within King Avalon's rooms, a voice yells out to come in. 

The door creaks with the minimal effort it takes to open. I pin my shaking hands to my sides in an effort to not look terrified for my life. Spirits. I'm still in disbelief at what I'm about to ask for. Or try to. 

I don't see the King inside King Avalon and Queen Brielle's rooms. The room is empty. he using a crystal to communicate? I take a quick glance around for the crystal Everest mentioned years ago but come up short.

Then, King Avalon makes himself visible by his desk, a spellbook in hand.

What in Kaladrielion was that? How did he do that? What kind of spell can do that?

"What kind of spell was that?"

"The kind my daughter created. How may I help you?" King Avalon closes his spellbook and puts it on top of another.

The King casually leans on his desk as if that will take the stress off of me. This moment is harder than when Everest announced we had started courting. Spirits taking down Korbin was easier than this. This feels impossible.


"Galen, I've always held you to a high status. If you need something, spit it out," Well, thank you for the vote of confidence, not that it will do much. He just made it harder. Much harder. 

"I...I'm not entirely sure how to ask this, as it's nothing I've ever done before, and I don't exactly have experience." King Avalon gives me this look that tells me I'm about seven seconds away from being skinned alive. "I..uh.. wrote everything down,"

I scramble to pull the note from my pocket and hand it to King Avalon. A moment of relief passes over me when he doesn't make crystals sprout from my body. As the King reads my note over and over again, I get a sense he's becoming agitated. Yet what happens next nearly makes me faint.

He laughs.

Not this chuckle that composed rulers have. And certainly not an awkward one. No, King Avalon has a bellowing laugh. One that assures you he knows how to deal with children. A good thing, too. He has three.

"Spirits, Galen, you've taken on the most consequential villain of your generation and lived. Yet asking me for my daughter's hand makes you want to shit yourself. Spirits, my daughter knows how to pick one,"

"Thank you?"

"No problem. Now, how are you going to propose?"

"I'm not sure. I want to do it soon, but I'm not sure if I have the time with everything that's happening,"

"Galen, anything is possible as long as you make time." King Avalon smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder. He 


The prince of Vespera whirls around. Kaelen enthusiastically grins and calls my name—a grin on his face. Then he notices my expression. "Spirits, you look like shite,"

"I just asked your Father for Eve's hand,"

Kaelen nods. "What did he say?"

"He said yes,"

Kaelen wraps his arms around my middle and lifts me into the air. That surprised me as I didn't think he could lift me.  "I can't believe you're going to ask,"

"Ask what?" Everest. Oh, shite, Everest! How much of that did she hear? 

Kaelen and I cling to one another as we jump at her sudden appearance. This proves to be embarrassing as I am clinging to my soon-to-be fiance's brother. "Spirits Everest! Did you have to scare the shite out of us?"


"You know, Kael, if you keep holding Gale, I may have to tell Holly that you're trying to take him from me,"

Kaelen and I look at one another, and Everest's quite right. We are still holding one another. We promptly release the other and brush off our clothes. Neither of us dared to make eye contact with the other.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure Holly will still love you." Everest chuckles to herself as she retreats down the hall.

Kaelen grumbles once she's far enough away, or we hope she's far enough. "Why is she like this?"

"Who knows, but would you help me plan tonight? Your father is already meeting with me in his study?"

Kaelen sprouts a massive grin. He nods enthusiastically.

"Perfect! I'll see you at seven."

18 Neso of the year 13006

How is it so difficult to write a simple letter to Everest? Altair's gods, learning to read is easier than this. Spirits writing Father and Da is easier, and those are two pages: front and back. They like to know everything that goes on. 

Da has even threatened to travel to Vanora to ask about my daily life. Now, that would be something. He's never been to Vanora before. 

"You look troubled, Galen," King Ignatius says, leaning over my shoulder. I jump at the King's sudden appearance. King Ignatius chuckles. "Would you like my assistance?"

"PLEASE!" I shove what little I have to the right, putting space between King Ignatius and my back.

I wait for him to finish reading. He's clearly confused as he outright asks what I'm trying to do. How on earth do I explain this to him...It could be worse. I could be talking to King Aveyard. That could be much worse. He's massive, even compared to me.

But he has six children and is very hands-on with their upbringing. Actually, he may be the male to talk to. 

"What are you trying to do?"

How do I keep it cryptic yet get help? "I'm trying to tell Eve where I will be,"

"And where will you be?" King Ignatius questions, more confused than before. I can't remember if he's the one who can't keep a secret. That might be King Hadriel, but I could be wrong. There are way too many Kings to keep track of. Let alone their personalities. 

"The first king's garden, under the arch in the north corner,"

"Alright then. That's simple enough," Shock is evident, but not pressing further. Yet I'm not convinced that that will be enough. Is it enough? 

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple," King Ignatius pats my shoulder. He steps back and tells me that dinner is ready and waiting for me. 

I quickly write what needs to be written. With each letter added, a doubt grows, making me unsure if this will be perfect. I have no doubt she will say yes, but every fibre of my body tells me to hurry up, or she may not.






Now, all I have to do is rewrite it when I return to Vanora. Good. 

"Let's go."

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