The Party

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Hours Later

"How do you like your party?" Galen asks, walking onto the balcony. He places his hands on the railing and leans into it. 

The backlighting defines his sharp looks. If I were a painter, I'd spend hours working on a masterpiece. Alas, I am not a painter but a spell caster. Something I enjoy more. More than dancing. 

I had to get away from all the noise. It's a little much after all the excitement. "I love it, although I thought I'd see my Uncle..never mind, he is," I turn to the throne room and watch Uncle Ignatius take off his crown. 

My uncle places the crown on his son's head. The crown immediately falls over my cousin's eyes. Shango lifts the crown and glances wearily at his father. My uncle proceeds to strip down to his undergarments. 

"Of course, he party is complete unless King Ignatius is drunk enough to strip." I chuckle. 

He's been like this since he was able to drink. Father has told me stories of when Uncle Ignatius was younger. Many include one or more guards taking a passed-out Prince back to his rooms. No one was too pleased with the arrangement, but what could you do? My uncle was a prince, and now he's a king. 

Galen asks if there is a way to stop him. Withhold the wine? Who knows. 

"There is no way of stopping him," I say, double-checking that he's not dancing completely naked. 

The last time he did this was at my Spirit Mage ceremony. I was in Shango's situation. Not that I minded, at least not right away. There was only so much drunk dancing with my uncle I could take. If I were in line for Severin's throne, I'd have been less un-patient, but that right is reserved for Shango and Arya. 

"There is no way of stopping him..." Galen repeats. 

"At least he's not dancing on a table. At my Spirit Mage party, Uncle Ignatius broke one of Father's tables. One of the ones in his council rooms," That was a mess. 

"I heard about that,"

Father said Uncle Ignatius got so drunk and started singing. He climbed on top of a table and broke it. How? I have no idea. Those tables are thick and well-built. You'd have to be heavier than three war horses to break one of those. 

Uncle Ignatius used to be the responsible drinker. Then Grandfather Atlas forbade Uncle Ignatius from marrying his mate. After that, he went downhill. How could he not? He was forbidden to marry his mate. His other half. No wonder he turned to drink to drown out the pain. 

"Was he standing on top of it?" Galen asks, stepping closer to me. 

I smile and loop my arm through his. Galen sighs and leans into me. So I lean into him. 

I inhale deeply to breathe in the moment. A cool breeze fills my lungs. Salt from the Vanorian Sea is sweeter than the water in Oxy Lake. A blessed night it is. The spirits are smiling upon us.

"He was, and when Father told him what had happened. Uncle Ignatius laughed, then broke into tears," 

Kaelen and I were down the hall when Father told him. Kaelen and I laughed so hard that we burst into tears. Father began laughing when he heard us laughing. Soon we were all in stitches on the ground. 

It would have been a sight to see. Four royals laughing with tears streaming down their faces. Someone might have thought we'd gone mad. 

Galen laughs—a full belly laugh, one that heals. It warms me. "Your family is something,"

"That they are," I say, remembering my spirit mage party. Four months have passed since then. Spirits, it feels like years. So much has happened since then, so much in a small amount of time. 

"So much for a mellow celebration,"

"Galen, you know very well that whenever my family parties, it's never mellow," I let go of Galen and lean on the balcony railing. The general's warmth follows me to the railing. 

A moment of clarity. To think. I asked Breccan to join my court this morning. Kaelen, Altair, Ella, Holly and Neirin were asked yesterday. I have to ask Galen. 

"Galen, I want you in my court as a lord. Not a general," I thought a lot about what I wanted Galen to serve as. A general or a lord. He has the makings of a fine lord and a high general. But I had to choose. So I chose a lord. 

"Me?" Galen asks taken aback. 

"Yes, you. I adore your company, even if you annoy me half the time," My ears burn with the words, not from embarrassment but for their meaning and that I've said them out loud.

Galen goes bright red. Oh spirits.

"I'd-I'd be honoured to be in your court," Galen's voice cracks with emotion. He must be trying hard to keep his emotions in check. 

"Thank you."

My ears perk up as Marria's voice is carried through the ballroom and to the balcony. A beautiful song. Lively and passionate, yet calm and serene. It's a perfect blend of who I am. 

I smile out at the market and to the harbour. A perfect view for a perfect night. "I love this song," 

A hand is extended into my field of view. I follow it up to Galen's smile. "Would you like to dance my Queen?"

I accept his offer and calloused hand. Galen leads me in a slow waltz. We move our way around the balcony effortlessly. Our eyes never stray from each other. A perfect dance to for a perfect night. 

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