Council of Vanora

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28 Cressia of the year 13004

"Everest, grab your breakfast. The meeting starts in 10 minutes." Uncle Aveyard states, poking his head into the drawing room.

I was about to sit and eat. Instead, I grab an apple and a buttered roll, then take off after my Uncle. I run as fast as I can while wearing a dress.

Uncle Aveyard arrives at the council room first. He patiently waits for my short legs to reach him. When I've had a chance to smooth my dress, he opens the door. This council room is one Guinevere, and I looked at when we first met.

Father smiles and stands. "Welcome, Queen Everest,"

Kaelen sits between Uncle Hadriel and Uncle Carys. He's been told he'll be our official note-taker. It used to be my job as heir. Now it's Kaelen's. He won't be for long, but my father and uncles don't know that.

"Thank you, Father," I walk a quarter of the way around the round table to an empty space. Uncle Aveyard takes the spot closer to the door, and I take the spot beside Uncle Ignatius.

My uncle's head rests on the table. His crown sits on the table next to him. Sleeping on the job. How noble of him.

I place a finger on my lips and make a silent hushing noise. My Uncles, Father and brother seem to get the message. I neatly place my papers beside my uncle's crown. Then slam my hands on the table.

Uncle Ignatius shoots upright, eyes wide and hands held up as if ready to fight or blast an enemy into next week. He screams, but it quickly dies down.

My uncle sighs when he realizes he's safe. He leans back and rubs his scruffy beard.

"Shall we begin?" I gently sit down in my chair.

My uncles and Father nod. I turn to Uncle Carys to start. I was told last night that it is his turn to open the meeting. And the next person to open the next meeting will be Uncle Aveyard. Then Uncle Hadriel, then Uncle Ignatius then me, then father. And the cycle continues.

"We come to discuss building your court," Uncle Carys says, laying out facts. My uncle goes into detail about how many members I should have and how many should be male and female.

Kaelen scrawls down the details in point form.

After running through a detailed list of roles to be filled, my uncle opens the discussion of who to fill the roles with.

"Lord Arthur and Sir Kilgarah," Father says, good choices. I like Galen's parents, but I don't know if I want them to snoop around when or rather if Galen is in my court. "Lord Arthur is well trained in Vanora's court, and Kilgarah is an efficient healer,"

I make eyecontact with Kaelen. He doesn't like my odds of getting to speak. I will hear their thoughts and then interrupt if needed.

"Lord Valimier," Last I heard, Lord Valimier has a broken leg. I need someone who has full mobility. Not someone to sit idly by and watch. His leg will heal, but he will be in pain for months, and I don't want to hear about it every day until I'm a hundred.

Uncle Hadriel whines that he's so old. I'm inclined to agree. He's nearly twice my uncle's age.

"What about Lord Zarrak?"

Josslyn's husband. He's nice and has a good head on his shoulders. I asked the husband and wife if they were interested in joining my court. As of two days ago, they were.

"But he's so young," Uncle Hadriel states. First one that's too old, now one that's too young.

"He has training, and he would make a wonderful addition to Everest's court," Uncle Aveyard defends. At least someone has Zarrak's back.

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