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Everest's Pov

"Is that Gale?" Altair asks.

I look up from where I'm petting Keith. Sure enough, Galen is coming our way. But that is not all. He's riding a wolf like a horse. How did he manage that? "Yes,"

Kaelen asks if I see what he's seeing.

"I do,"

"Hurry up, Gale," I shout.

The wolves behind him are starting to close the gap. I don't want him to be eaten. No one deserves to be eaten by a wolf. No matter who they are. Even if they can be extremely annoying.

I lean closer to Keith and calm him down. He's been a wreck since we found him.

Thankfully my spell worked. I managed to find Kaelen, who had found Altair moments before I found him. Our problem was finding Galen. We rode for a good half hour before coming across Keith in this oasis.

It took both me and Altair to calm down Keith, let alone get close enough to make sure he wasn't hurt. The concerning part was Galen. Galen never would have left Keith. No matter the circumstances. Galen's not like that. He loves Keith.

A wolf lunges at Galen only to bounce harmlessly away from him. Damned smart ass. He put up a shield. I smile at the General. I don't always give him the credit he deserves. But what can I say, I enjoy teasing him.

And some days, I think he enjoys it.

Altair takes Hunter from my other hand and holds Casey away from Hunter. The two horses had a spat the other day. Casey or Hunter bit the other. I'm not sure if it's true, but Hunter has bitten another horse before, but that was years ago. He knows better.

Galen and the wolf enter the oasis. The pair skid to a halt. Galen slides off the black wolf. It's huge. Nearly the same height as me. I'm not tall by any means, but for a wolf, it's huge.

The wolves chasing them bounce harmlessly off the barrier surrounding the spring.

It's Kaelen who asks the question we all want answered. "Why were you riding a wolf?"

"Long story," Galen then proceeded to tell us how he was hit by a low-hanging branch while being chased by a gray wolf. How he managed to stay on, but the wolf jumped at him, and he was knocked off. How apparently he was a goner, but Jaen saved him. She offered him a ride and brought him here.

"Who's Jaen?"

"The wolf," Galen points at the black wolf stepping into a bush. A bright flash of light emits from the bush. What?

A shirt lands on the bush. Isn't that Gale's?

A delicate hand reaches out and grabs the green shirt. I turn back to Galen. He is shirtless. I want to cover my eyes, but he's good-looking. His chest is tanned like his face. I guess he does train shirtless. Who knew?

"I'm Jaen,"

I tear my eyes from Galen to the woman wearing Galen's shirt. Jaen has dark hair and golden eyes. Pure gold. Not like Kaelen and I, who have a gold ring around the pupil. Hers are pure gold.

Holy spirits.

"This is Everest, Kaelen and Altair,"

I wave.

What is she? Her ears are human, so not fae. But she can turn into a wolf. How does that make sense? No common mage can do that. Spirits, not even I could do that. And I have high training in nearly all forms of magic.

"What are you?"

"Eve," Galen scolds.

Honestly, I'd do the same thing. What I said was rude. I'm lucky she takes it like a champ. "It's okay. I'm a shapeshifter,"

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