Port Halith

105 1 0

Hours later

"Eve! It's almost time for dinner. We should probably get changed." Josslyn yells. 

I discontinue my spell and close my book. We enter the castle near the guard's garrison. As we walk back to the royal wing, Holly yells for us to wait. 

Moment of truth.

"You're not going to like it," Holly holds out her paper. 

I take the paper. On it is the city of Ciaran, the capital of Evanath. One name connects the mass of black dots. Korbin. Holy fae... were surrounded.

"There's less than a hundred," Holly states taking the paper. How did we go from a small battalion to a small army? "We have less than ten minutes,"

I turn to Josslyn. She knows what I'm about to say. "Grab Kael and Altair. Tell them to tack up the horses. Holly, alert the King." 

I turn on my heel and take off for the guest rooms. Wait, I'm missing a person. I turn back around and yell down the hall at Josslyn. "Oh, I need Gale!"

Halfway to the rooms, Galen finds me. I nearly blast him with light, but I manage to remain collected...somewhat. Galen smiles. Blast. He knew he'd scare me.

We make it to the royal wing. Galen goes for his and Altair's room, and I go for mine and Kaelen's.

I grab the book Kaelen hid in the dresser. It slides into my bag, just in case. Then I move on to clothes. Galen and I don't take long to clear out the rooms. As we enter the hall, footfalls rush toward us. 

Galen and I pick up our pace. 


"Find my niece and her companions!" Uncle Korbin's voice is full of authority. I never realized his voice was that low. To be fair, I've never met him.

Altair's gods, his voice makes me want to crawl into a hole. Galen urges me along and grabs my arm. My smaller legs struggle to keep up with his long ones. 

Spirits and souls.

I check behind us only to wrench my arm out of Galen's grip and block an attack. My shield is thrown up just in time. The powerful blast hits my shield. I'm thrown into Galen.

"Hold your fire!"

Galen hoists me to my feet. He uses his body, to keep Uncle Korbin at bay. Uncle Korbin walks right up to my shield. His cold brown eyes burrow into mine. I can't look away. I want to, but his gaze keeps me frozen.

"I want my niece. Kill the blonde."


Several men from his company break off. They attempt to break my shield but quickly abandon that idea. They might go around. I throw up another shield several feet behind us, just in case. 

I hand Galen my bag. Then throw another shield up in front of me. You can never be too sure. Or too safe. 

"Hello, Everest,"

I step out from behind Galen. "Hello," 

"You could be a powerful mage, given the right guidance," Uncle Korbin smiles. His fists press against the shield in front of him. What is he going to do? 

I nudge Galen towards the stairs. He doesn't budge. I try again, and this time he runs. Good. 

"Where's the book, Everest?" Uncle Korbin asks. 

"Why do you want the book?"

"Where is the book?"

"I don't have it," I growl. 

The Mage WarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon