''It's ... way too cold it will do more damage than good'' Jeonghan tried to explain, reminding Mingyu, once again, that he was dealing with a fragile human

''I can stabilize him'' Mingyu finally broke his gaze from the trembling mess beneath him looking at Jeonghan's green glittering eyes ''I g-guess'' Jeonghan knew what he was talking about but it was too dangerous

''Mingyu no it's too soon''

Jeonghan whispered the younger's name in concern. He knew very well that Mingyu's spirit was a Blue one giving the shade his eyes were glittering, and Blue was Water just like Vernon said earlier

Just like Jeonghan is Green and he heals, Seungcheol is Red and he plays with Fire.
Spirits and elements go hand in hand, a spirit unlocks the ability to use ones specific powers in the way its owner sees fit.

Mingyu should be able to manipulate water or at least connect to it differently. He should be able to stabilize it but that's far away from happening overnight. It took Jeonghan and Seuncheol decades to master their spirits, and he didn't expect Mingyu to begin to understand what to do with his own spirit so quick and on the same day he got it.

Mingyu didn't need any permission, he ignored Jeonghan's concerned looks and unsure expressions as he slipped his arms under Wonwoo's knees and tossed the younger's arm effortlessly around his neck. He picked him up regardless of his squirming and jerking trying to get away from his tight grip to no vail

"No, nuugh please no'' the boy kicked Mingyu countless times, putting aside his feverish seizure, he was relentless and really wanted to get away for some reason neither Jeonghan nor Mingyu could understand at the moment

Stumbling through the hallways, Jeonghan trailed behind Mingyu, they run through the staircase downstairs to their main living room and right through their main door.
On the way, Mingyu didn't even stop when he met Scoups near the entrance. The leader's eyes widened and gasped as the younger gave him no time to react and Jeonghan tagged him by his arm to follow them. He was being dragged outside with nothing but baffled eyes and lips still forming a gasp

''I called out for you, where the HELL have you been?''

Jeonghan hissed at his mate but didn't slow down, he dragged Scoup with him outside, Mingyu was only a few feet in front of them "I ... I heard you, I was securing the boundaries like you asked me to'' Scoups tried to explain but that was not important right now ''WHAT THE F*CK IS HAPPENING?"

''Mingyu is dipping him into the lake, he's having a convulsion''

Jeonghan breathed in the cold night air, it was freezing outside and Jeonghan had little to no faith in what Mingyu was trying to do. The fate of this kid was far from clear, the water was too cold for a human, and his body was just too weak and vulnerable.

The water could bring his fever down but he won't survive the cold either. Unless Mingyu does something about it. Unless Mingyu is able to stabilize the water, his spirit should be able to help him do it, but he is still new to this, he is inexperienced and was never ready for this.

To say the least, Jeonghan was terrified of the whole situation, with Scoups at his side, both of them watched as Mingyu got closer to the water.

Mingyu couldn't bring himself not to worry when the boy who is violently shivering in his arms became quieter and quieter, at least, when he was kicking and mumbling, Mingyu was rather more relieved. He had to secure the younger's body in his arms before he took his first step into the lake. He looked down at him one last time before he took a step in

My god, it was cold.

''Be careful please'' Scoups howel from a distance holding Jeonghan's waist closer to him knowing that his mate was terrified of the outcome of this reckless decision.

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