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Open up on a black and white thermal live feed of two ODSTs running. Radio chatter can be heard in the background.

Cut to the two ODSTs running in parallel to a wall.

"Fifteen meters ahead, turn right!" Ruby yells.

Asher readies a battle rifle, as his shotgun is on his back. There's a hole in the front of his helmet.

"You got Banshees moving in on your position, Rose Team." A Radio Operator informs over coms.

The two reach the end of the wall, and pause briefly.

"East, ten meters." Ruby yells. "Go, go, go!"

The two move around the corner as a group of Brutes are advancing towards them.

They continue to run as a fuel rod shot impacts a wall nearby. A Banshees flies over head and they come to another corner.

"Watch out for Brutes, Rose Team." The Radio Operator calls out over coms.

Asher takes up a defensive position, covering Ruby. A single Brute runs by, not noticing him.

Ruby searches some nearby rubble, and eventually finds a large case. She picks up the case and runs back over to Asher.

"Bingo. Got it!" Ruby shouts.

A Brute Peagaas Workshop Spiker rounds suddenly whiz past the two, and embed themselves in the wall. Asher returns fire, killing one of the two attacking Brutes. The other Brute continues firing its Spiker.

Meanwhile Ruby is on the radio. "Package retrieved; need immediate evac, over. Package retrieved."

"Roger that, Team Two." A Pelican Pilot says over coms. "Warthog inbound."

A Pelican starts to descend.

Asher fires his weapon at the remaining Brute. "Come on, sucker!" The Brute goes down.

Seconds later, a Banshee swoops down and fires its fuel rod cannon. The bolt impacts nearby and the two are knocked off their feet.

"Ooh!" Asher grunts as he lands, and quickly gets back up and returns fire. "You good!"

Ruby gets up and readies her sniper. "I'm good!" She fires a few rounds around the corner.

The Pelican arrives and drops off its Warthog. Brute Spiker rounds hit a nearby wall.

"Move, move!" Asher yells. "Go! Go! Go!"

The two ODSTs make a run for the Warthog. An overhead camera shot shows them entering the Warthog and driving off. The two Brutes they killed earlier are marked with orange indicator tags labeled "Threat Neutralized".

Cut a a camera vid of Ruby as Asher drives the Warthog.

"Rose Team moving west." Asher informs.

"Caution, incoming fighters." Auntie Dot informs.

Banshees fly overhead. A fuel rod shot impacts nearby. The Warthog is forced to make a sharp swerve.

"Come on!" Asher yells.

Suddenly a Brute spiker round hits Ruby in the stomach, and blood splatters along the window.

"Aah!" Ruby yells in pain. "I'm hit!"

"Fuck, Ruby!" Asher yells.

"Warning." Auntie Dot is heard. "Rose One's been hit and needs medical attention immediately."

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