Assault on the Control Room

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(Really just needed to get this chapter out, so it's kinda bad.)

I Would Have Been Your Daddy...

In the interior of a large Forerunner dome, a single Unggoy Minor paces on an open platform. There are other Unggoy sleeping nearby. The pacing grunt stops as he hears jets, he sniffs the air, and yelps as a Pelican rises up from the chasm in front of him. He screams and runs towards the door.

The other Grunts wake up and run away.

"This is far as I can go!" Rawley informs.

"Roger that." Cortana replies. "We can find our way to the Control Center from here."

"Good luck. Foehammer out."

The Pelican hovers at the edge of the platform, and the two Spartans get out. They proceed into a series of circular rooms and begin clearing them of Covenant.

"The Covenant presence here is stronger than we anticipated." Xi states. "They seem to have the entire region secured."

Six and Chief emerge onto a bridge, where they discover that it is snowing. Ash spots a Banshee flying around the area.

"Interesting..." Cortana mutters. "The weather patterns here seem natural, not artificial. I wonder if the ring's environment systems are malfunctioning... or if the designers wanted the installation to have inclement weather."

A Pelican dropship flies over the bridge. The Covenant forces on the bridge, including the Banshee, open fire at it.

A Sergeant from Fireteam Zulu speaks over coms. "This is Fire Team Zulu requesting immediate assistance from any UNSC forces. Does anyone copy? Over."

"I didn't think there were any human forces left on this part of the ring." Xi states. "Oh, this makes me happy."

Cortana then speaks to Fireteam Zulu. "Cortana to Fire Team Zulu, I read you. Fire Team Zulu, this is Cortana. Hold position. We're on our way."

"Roger that." Fireteam Zulu's Sergeant replies. "Make it quick."

The Pelican descends to the area below the bridge as the two Spartans run across. 

As they near the end of the bridge a Elite Zealot runs out of the door at the opposite side of the bridge and readies an energy sword, it's supported by a lance of Unggoy.

Ash swiftly takes out his energy sword and holds it up as he blocks an attack from the Zealot. The Zealot roars at Ash, but he kicks it in the chest and it stumbles back. 

Ash then swiftly pulls out his pistol and fires a few rounds into the Elite, breaking its shield. The Elite then runs forward and brings its sword down onto Ash, but he rolls forward and stabs his energy sword into the Elite's stomach, before pushing the body off the side of the bridge.

"Oooh, that was cool!" Xi cheers.

Ash deactivates his energy sword and sets it back on his hip. Chief finishes off the last Grunt and the two enter another structure and descend to the ground level, where they return to the canyon.

A large number of Covenant have three Marines with an overturned Warthog cornered. More dead Marines lie nearby.

"Master Chief, Six, Sirs!" A Marine yells.

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