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In a valley on the halo ring we see a a large black cloud of smoking coming down.

Flawless Cowboy

"Warning: Back left engine is down." Auntie Dot says. "Reduce speed, or you'll crash land."

Asher, or we'll call him Rose now to not making confusing, his Pelican is crashing down towards the ground.

"I don't want to die!" A Marine yells.

"Asher!" Ruby yells as the Pelican shakes.

"I got it!" Rose yells and the back left engine explodes. "I DON'T GOT IT! Brace for impact!"

"Oh, shit!" A Marine yells. "This is gonna suck!"

"I still haven't got my popcorn." A Marine says.

The Pelican takes a step dives and crashes against a rock wall, losing its right wing and continues to crash. The Pelican starts to barrel roll out of control.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Ruby yells.

"Warning: If you do not regain control, We will crash." Auntie Dot says.

"I don't have control!" Rose Yells.

The Pelican slams into the ground and slides through many trees before coming to a stop near a strange building.

Rose is staring down at the controls as he takes a few deep breaths. "That was not fun."

"Rose Two, I suggest we get moving." Auntie Dot says.

Rose undoes his straps. "How's everyone back there!" All Rose gets are groans in response. "Anyone dead?"

"No." Ruby calls out as she undoes her straps and falls to the ground. "But Noble Six is knocked out."

"Never let the Second Lieutenant fly again." A Marine groans.

"I agree with that." Another Marine groans.

"Hey!" Rose yells to the back. "I'm usually a great flyer!"

Ruby gets up as the other Marines undo their straps. "Xi." She calls out.

Said AI appears on Ash's shoulder. "Yes, Rose One."

Ruby opens the back of the Pelican. "How long until you can wake him up."

"Give me a few minutes." The AI says

Ruby hears some engines and she looks up to see a couple of Spirit dropships come in with a Phantom not far behind. "We may not have a few minutes." She turns back to the others in the ship. "We got company men! Let's move!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" All the Marines yell.

The Marines get out of their seats and they run out of the Pelican, Rose follows behind them. Ruby shuts the Pelican door and she takes up the rear and the squad moves behind some rocks and fallen trees.

"Keep steady men!" Rose yells as everyone readies their weapons. "We gotta keep this Pelican secure."

The Phantom and two Spirits fly away and the group hears the Covenant yelling on the other side of the alien structure in front of them.

"Oh, here they come." A Marine mutters in fear.

"I'm ready to some revenge for Reach!" A Marine yells out.

A large group of Covenant move past the building and engage the group of humans.

"Fire, Fire, Fire!" The two ODSTs yell.

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