The Arbiter

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Tartarus is leading two of his men, that are carrying Thel, down a jail full of Jackals.

"How much further must we heft this baggage?" One of the Brutes asks. 

"Why not toss him in with this lot?" The other Brute asks.

The Brutes pass a cell containing three hungry Jackals, which hiss and growl as they reach out through the bars at the Jiralhanae passing by.

"They could use the meat."

"Them? What about us? My belly aches - and his flesh is seared, just the way I like it."

"Quiet!" Tartarus yells. "You two whimper like Grunts fresh off the teat. He's not meant for the jails. The Hierarchs have something special in mind."

The Brutes and their cargo move out onto a platform overlooking the Mausoleum of the Arbiter. They ride a gravity lift down to the walkway leading up to it and pass dozens of Elite Honor Guardsmen standing at attention, energy staves ready. They enter the Mausoleum, where the High Prophets of Truth and Mercy await. The three Brutes bow, forcing Thel to do the same.

"Noble Prophets of Truth and Mercy." Tartarus greets. "I have brought the incompetent."

"You may leave, Tartarus." The Prophet of Truth says.

Tartarus looks up, surprised. "But... I thought--"

"And take your Brutes with you."

Tartarus hesitates, and then bows again. "Release the prisoner."

"The Brutes drop Thel to his knees and rise, leaving the room. Thel touches the Mark of Shame on his chest.

Truth speaks to Thel. "The Council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your corpse paraded through the city. But ultimately, the terms of your execution are up to me."

"I am already dead." Thel states.

"Indeed. Do you know where we are?"

"The Mausoleum of the Arbiter."

"Quite so. Here rests the vanguard of the Great Journey. Every Arbiter. Every Arbiter, from first to last. Each one created and consumed in times of extraordinary crisis."

The Prophet of Mercy then speaks. "The Taming of the Hunters, the Grunt Rebellion - were it not for the Arbiters, the Covenant would have broken long ago!"

Thel then speaks. "Even on my knees, I do not belong in their presence."

"Halo's destruction was your error, and you rightly bear the blame." Truth states. But the Council was... overzealous. We know you are no heretic. This is the true face of heresy, one who would subvert our faith and incite rebellion against the High Council."

Truth presses a button on his and a miniature hologram of a Sangheili, in abnormal equipment, appears.

"Our Prophets are false!" Sesa 'Refumee speaks on the holgramp "Open your eyes, my brothers! They would use the faith of our forefathers to bring ruin to us all! The Great Journey is a-"

Truth cuts off the hologram. "This heretic, and those who follow him, must be silenced."

"Their slander offends all who walk the Path!" Mercy shouts.

"What use am I?" Thel asks. "I can no longer command ships, lead troops into battle-"

Truth interrupts Thel. "Not as you are, no. But become the Arbiter... and you shall be set loose against the heresy with our blessing."

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