343 Guilty Spark

244 14 15

Well Enough Alone

A group of Jackals and Grunts run through a swamp, panicky and obviously in retreat. A pelican dropship flies in through fog and rain, and touches down.

Flight Captain Carol Rawley speaks through coms. "The last transmission from the Captain's dropship was from this area. That was over twelve hours ago. ...And we've been unable to reestablish contact with the Captain or his team." 

The Master Chief and Ash hop out of the Pelican, with First Lieutenant Ruby Rose and Second Lieutenant Asher Rose.

Ruby looks around with her sniper, then turns to Asher. "Are you sure you're fine."

Rose waves off his sister. "Ruby, I'm fine." He puts a hand on his right side.

"You sure, soldier?" Ash asks. "A wound like that can take weeks to heal."

"I'm fine, sir. We don't have the luxury of me waiting to heal for a few weeks." Rose readies his shotgun.

"I'll keep an eye on Rose Two's condition." Auntie Dot says through coms.

"Let's move." Chief says to the three behind him.

"Right." Ash nods and takes the DMR off his back.

Rawley takes off and speaks to the group through coms.  "When you locate Captain Keyes, radio in, and I'll come pick you up."

"Keep an eye on your motion tracker." Xi calls out. "The enemy can hide anywhere in this forest."

The group move forward and they find a crashed Pelican.

"No signs of life on board." Xi informs. "But I am picking up a transmission, but I can't locate the source, to much interference around."

Ash and Chief investigate the dropship. Rose kneels to the ground, as he undims his helmet, and finds several sets of footprints, human and non-human.

"Find something?" Ruby walks over as she takes off her helmet and swipes her black hair, with red tips, to the side.

"Hmmm... Footprints." Rose says. "The human one is dryer then the Covenant footprints."

Ash and the Chief walk back to the two ODST.

"Anything?" Chief asks.

"Just footprints, sir." Rose informs. "Human and Non-human. It looks like our soldiers made it out of the crash before the Covenant found them."

"Good work."

Suddenly an explosion goes off in the distance. The Two Spartans aim their weapons towards the sounds. Ruby quickly puts on her helmet and Rose dims his.

Chief takes point as they move through the swamp and they find a crashed Covenant Spirit, with a few Grunts and Jackales climbing out of the wreckage. 

The group guns down any Covenant Survivors and move on. The group moves across a bridge and Ash sees several shadowy figures running around on the top of the cliff to his right.

"Xi?" Ash calls out.

"They appear to be friendly- Huh, they just disappear off radar." Xi says.

"Keep your eyes peeled." Ruby says as she scans the cliffs with her sniper.

The group reaches the other side of the bridge and they hear assault rifle fire nearby.

"Someone must still be alive." Rose says.

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