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A teleportation portal induced by the Gravemind is seen appearing on a cliff face, as the Arbiter and Tesa appear and fall through.

The Arbiter gathers himself before seeing the portal close behind him and turns to see the path ahead of him. He looks to the side and sees Tesa slowly get up, holding a hand to her bleeding chest.

"Are you okay, 'Tratam?" The Arbiter asks.

"I've had worse wounds before." Tesa states as she takes the Plasma rifle off her hip. "Come, lets move."

The Arbiter picks up, and examines, a Okarda'phaa-pattern plasma rifle, before following Tesa.

Oh, so That's How it is

Brute shot grenades goo off in the distance, followed by plasma rifle bursts firing in the air.

"Weaklings!" A Brute shouts.

The two encounter a badly wounded Elite lying on the ground with an energy sword lying next to him. 

The dying Elite speaks weakly. "The Brutes have betrayed us... the Councilors..." He lets out a dying Breath.

Tesa kneels down to the dead Elite and places his hands on his chest. "Rest easy friend, we'll finish what you started."

The Arbiter takes the dead Elites energy sword and activates it.

They look over to spot a Brute shooting at another dead Elite nearby as his friend watches.

"Let's just throw them over the edge!" A Brute suggests.

"Where's the fun in that?" Another Brute asks.

Another Brute approaches the other two Brutes.

"I already check there!" The first Brute yells.

"Just making sure..." The new Brute says.

Tesa picks up a small nearby rock and tosses to far into the forest to the side, where it loudly slams against a tree.

"What was that?" A Brute asks.

"You, go check it out." Another Brute orders.

"Fine, I was getting bored anyway." The third Brute says and walks into the forest

Tesa and the Arbiter go cloaked. Tesa activates her energy dagger and sneaks up behind a kneeling Brute. She then plunges her dagger into the back of the Brutes head, killing it. She kicks the body to the ground and sees the Arbiter kill the second Brute.

Tesa then sneaks into the forest and slowly catches up to the third Brute, who's looking around.

"Hmm, nothing here." The Brute grumbles.

The Brute turns around, only to be stabbed between the eyes by Tesa's energy dagger, blood spewing onto her. "Brute filth." She grumbles and kicks the body over.

The two Elite regroups and deactivate their camo. They move on and frind a nearby Brute pack.

The Captain growls. "Go see what's taking them so long!" The Captain orders a Brute.

The Brute walks off and Tesa motions for the Arbiter to follow. The Arbiter nods and sneaks off after the Brute heading to where his dead friends are.

Teas looks around and spots that most of the Brutes are spread apart, the Captain walking around the area. Tesa huffs and activates her camo and sneaks into the group, taking them down one-by-one, without them noticing.

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