The Packages

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(Many Years before the Fall of Reach.)

On the bridge of ONI PRO-49776 an ONI stealth ship, with a team of five SPARTAN-II supersoldiers. John, Kelly, Arthur, Solomon, Frederic and Cal being briefed by Captain Jiron.

 John, Kelly, Arthur, Solomon, Frederic and Cal being briefed by Captain Jiron

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"The Covenant has captured two high priority packages." Captain Jiron informs. "SPARTANs, it's your job to infiltrate enemy space and retrieve it. Mission window: ten minutes. The targets are equipped with a location beacons, but you'll have to get close to read it. It's a weak signal with a short radius. A local stellar-magnetic field is preventing the Covenant Fleet from making a slipspace jump. You'll be flying in with EVA Booster Frames. When you reach the Covenant Fleet, find the signal, find the ship, find a way in and grab that targets. The Covenant doesn't appear to realize the full value of what they've acquired, and that's the way we want to keep it. Complete the extraction before they figure out what they've got. Alright, SPARTANs, you have your orders. Good luck."

"Yes sir!" The Spartan team replies.

In the hangar bay, technicians prepare the EVA Booster Frames. As the SPARTANs don their helmets and walk out, the Master Chief stops.

"Captain?" Chief calls out.

"What is is, Master Chief?"

"What happens if we run out of time?"

"Then our only choice will be to annihilate the Covenant Fleet, the packages and your entire team. Is that clear enough?"

"I understand."

In the hanger bay Cal walks over to a bench, where a large gun rests.

In the hanger bay Cal walks over to a bench, where a large gun rests

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A little bear charm rests on the handle of the gun. Cal holds it in her hand and rubs a thumb over it.

 Cal holds it in her hand and rubs a thumb over it

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