Cal then picks up the weapon with on hand and puts it on her back.

"How'd you get a big weapon like that, Captain?" Solomon asks.

Cal turns to Solomon. "My brother."

"Ash-142 right?" Solomon asks and Cal nods. "Interesting guy I must say, the youngest of everyone, but works the hardest. I respect him."

The scene cuts to the underside of the ship, where the SPARTANs prepare to launch.

Mission Commander speaks through coms. "SPARTAN team. The moment we break stealth, commence operation. Five, four, three, two, one. Disable cloak. Booster Frames...launch!"

The frames thrusters power up. The clamps holding the frames are disabled, and the SPARTAN team flies towards the Covenant Fleet. Point Defense Turrets activate on board the Covenant ships and fire on the team.

"Incoming!" Chief shouts. "Optimize mobility!"

The EVA frames open up, exposing the missile racks and machine guns. The pilots' seats move forward as the SPARTANs dodge the enemy fire.

Cal takes a few breaths as she spins a few times as plasma rounds fly past her.

The SPARTAN team launches a missile pod, which breaks up and bombards the ship with smaller missiles. One of the SPARTANs deploys a scanner.

"Scanning devices activated." Master Chief calls out.

The SPARTANs deploy flares to deal with the plasma. The scanner shows a positive result aboard the CCS-Class battlecruiser.

"I've got a reading." Solomon 

"Are you sure?" Kelly asks.

"No question. Back me up, I'm going in."

"Be safe." Cal says.

'Solomon and Kelly fly towards the CCS-class showing the positive reading. The ship's hangar bays are open and deploying Seraph fighters.

"Their shields are down." Solomon points out. "The signal's coming from that cruiser."

"Hang on, Solomon!" Kelly shouts. "Wait for the Chief or the Captain!"

"No time! I'll take my chances."

"Alright, if we're gonna do this, lets make it fast!"

Solomon lands his booster frame inside the hangar bay, then leaps off in pursuit of the signal.

"A positive read from the first scan?" Chief questions. "Something's off, right Cal?"

Cal makes a noise of acknowledgement over the radio.

Kelly remains in the hangar, hosing down Covenant troops with her booster frame's machine guns. "Hurry, Solomon..."

Solomon runs through the ship's corridor in pursuit of the scan. While Kelly keeps the Covenant at bay. Solomon bursts through a bulkhead hatch. "Gotcha!"

The tracker hasn't been tracking the package, but has instead been tracking an identical decoy. The decoy is generated by an antimatter charge, which promptly begins a countdown.


The explosion engulfs Solomon and races down the corridor. The Master Chief flies into the hangar, where Kelly is holding off the Covenant.

"Kelly, it's a trap!" Chief yells.


he bomb's detonation, destroys the entire cruiser. On board the fleet's flagship, the Supreme Commander of the fleet, Luro 'Taralumee, Major Thel 'Lodamee and Ultra Tesa 'Tratam, without any scars. They watch as their decoy explodes. The Supreme Commander laughs, believing he has destroyed the three SPARTANs.

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