The girls nodded in agreement.

"They say they're gonna have a feast to celebrate the fallen later."

Elder Nyon said.


Luffy's ears perked up.

"Yup, and we're invited."


"Luffy, people are grieving down there. Keep it down a bit."

Elder Nyon said.

"Sorry, my bad."

Luffy put his hands over his mouth.

"I'll make sure you get the best meat later, Luffy."

Hancock smiled at him.

"Thanks but I can get my own meat. I'll get some for you though."

"My, how considerate!"

Hancock was on the verge of crying for some reason. Elder Nyon sighed.

"Do you two take anything seriously?"



She sighed and again and shook her head.

"Snake Princess, could I talk to you privately?"

"No, I'm spending time with my darling."

"Just come here."

Elder Nyon grabbed Hancock's arm and started pulling her.

"Unhand me! Luffy, I'll be back!"

Luffy waved at the departing Hancock before returning to watching the funeral. Once they were some distance away, Elder Nyon released Hancock.

"Why are you disturbing my time with Luffy?!"

Hancock complained.

"I want to talk about what you and Luffy did yesterday."

"What we did? You mean fight?"

"No, the other thing."

"Other thing?"

A memory of her kissing Luffy flashed in her mind.

"How do you know about our kiss?!"

Elder Nyon was taken aback.

"So you guys really doing naughty stuff in the room last night?!"

"Huh? Last night? What are you talking about? I kissed Luffy the night before."


The two looked at each other in confusion.

"Wait, let's back up a bit. You kissed Luffy?"

Hancock nodded.


"At the tavern. When we were partying I got jealous and kissed him when I was drunk."

"Damn, good going girl..."

Elder Nyon mumbled.

"Wait, so what were you two doing in the room last night?"

"Oh, we played doctor."

"You played doctor? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?"

"What are you talking about, old woman?"

Hancock said.

"I haven't been this confused since I first met Gecko Moria...Like, what is he?"

Elder Nyon looked at Hancock for a bit and shook her head.

Operation Love Boat- Luffy x Hancock Fan Fiction (Sequel to Island For Two)Where stories live. Discover now