12 ∆ Jealous or territorial

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"What the hell Hood?" Luke's shock was clear in his voice. "You, forcing her to sleep in your bed" Calum raged. Luke put his arms up in defense as Calum took a swing.

Demi couldn't believe her eyes. "Stop it you immature children!'' she wedged herself between them. She caught the full force of Calum's swing in her palm as she blocked Luke who was standing behind her. Her hand didn't falter, it didn't weaken or fall back, it remained strong and steady.

Ashton had caught a glimpse of this from the kitchen window and he hated to admit it but he was impressed with her strength. He had been at the brunt of Calum's fist before and was all too familiar with his power.

"Calum, what the hell are you doing?" Demi demanded to know.

"You slept with him" he sounded broken as he pointed at Luke.

"I didn't but even if I had, attacking someone isn't the answer!" She felt the irony of that and according to Luke's snicker behind her, he also did.

"I didn't want to put pressure on us, rush into things and Luke offered, he said he'd sleep on the sofa and I was tired, it was late so I said yes, it didn't mean anything though"

Her words stung him. His airways froze as his chest tightened. He needed to get out of this situation.

Calum's shoulders relaxed and his brown eyes turned from a glare to the sad, apologetic eyes of a puppy.

Luke stepped around Demi and headed towards the house.

"Luke?" She frowned at his sudden exit.

"As you said, it didn't mean anything," he shrugged. "And with that clear, now Hood can stop trying to murder me, so if you don't mind I need to be anywhere but here"

She felt his tone in her chest. She didn't understand it and she didn't like it at all.

"Demi?" Calum rested a hand on her shoulder as she stared off in the direction of Luke. "Sorry, I didn't realize you'd be upset, there was no bad intentions" she apologized.

"I understand that now" he sighed, "I guess I just don't like the idea of you with someone else" he admitted sheepishly.

"I gathered" she chuckled, "please don't be mad at him, he was only trying to help" she defended Luke.

"Luke helping? If you think that was Luke trying to do anything other than trying to get in your pants, you've seriously mistaken his character."

"Breakfast?" Calum changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute I just need to finish off on the computer" in reality she needed a moment to process the wave of emotion that was consuming her body.

"Hi, so for those of you who don't know me, I am Demi and I am one of the instructors here at the gym. Today's class will focus on the skills you need to do a roundhouse kick," Demi introduced to her small class of 8.

Once everyone was in their basic guard stance she continued, "so one of the most important things about a move like this is your defense, before the kick and after the kick, you must keep your fists ready..." she paused momentarily as a collection of voices interrupted the room.

"Sorry, apologies for interrupting, Demi someone's here to see you" another gym instructor announced.

Her jaw dropped. Luke Flipping Hemmings.

"Excuse me a moment class, we will resume in a minute, practice your guard stances" Demi instructioned before approaching a smirking Luke.

"You're like a leech"

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