Chapter 21 : Fear

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"You're being insensitive here. What we have to do is figure out what's happening, okay? Let's stop talking about things that shouldn't be talked about. Landerh was a good friend, I wanted to forget what happened even just for a second." Dhee Jei sighed and leaned on his chair.

Faye laughed sarcastically. "What's happening is everyone is dying, you idiot. Why don't you like to talk about it? Or are you hiding something, huh?"

"What the hell are you indicating, huh?" Dhee Jei stood up, fists balled.

Faye raised her brows. "You're the last person who saw Landerh alive. You were with Mike when Miss Jinx caught him at the bar."

"Are you saying I'm the one who killed them?" Alwyn and Redge quickly held Dhee Jei's arms to stop him from charging towards Faye.

"Jei..." Redge held his arm to calm him down. "C'mon, she's a girl."

"Faye, you are not in the right place to make such accusations," Renz stated.

"Murder isn't something to joke about." Paul backed him up.

"Faye, don't spout nonsense. Jei and Landerh are buddies. Don't accuse him of doing something horrible." Redge defended Dhee Jei too.

"Why? Don't I have a point? He's connected to the three of them. Who knows, maybe he killed them for his own benefit? He's too defensive."

"Enough with your accusation, Faye. You don't have any proof, so you better cut it out. We were all looking for Landerh yesterday. If Dhee Jei really has something to do with it, do you think we won't notice?" Gero rebutted.

"Criminals are manipulative. Who knows? Maybe he's just been playing us all along?" Faye is really stubborn.

"You bitch!" Dhee Jei yelled, pointing his trembling finger at the girl. "If I were really a killer, I'd definitely kill you the second I had a chance, witch! Trust me." He growled angrily.

"Try me!"

"I'm really going to crash you, Faye Villa!"

"Go on!"


"WILL YOU GUYS STOP ARGUING? I'M GOING CRAZY WITH YOUR BASELESS AND USELESS CHATTERS! YOU ALL ARE DRIVING ME TO INSANITY!" Everyone went silent when Daive shouted in distress. It was the first time they saw their always-composed class president that way. "Our friends are dying, why are you being like this? I should be the one acting stressed since I was the one who saw Landerh in that state. I should be the one complaining, screeching, and acting anxious but have you seen me act such a way? I am trying my best to calm down and think of a way to protect everyone, to protect you guys but what are you doing? Huh?"

"Daive..." Dhee Jei mumbled, lowering his gaze.

"I am in distress too. I am scared and I can't even sleep a blink because every time I closed my eyes, I could see Landerh's face. I am anxious and if I can, I just wanted to stay in my bed and lie down all day until I wake up from this damn nightmare."

"President..." The whole class stayed silent.

"I'm being honest. You can always see me calm and composed but I'm a human too. I get tired and stressed. I have too many things on my mind. The scene of Landerh's state, I can't get it out of my head. I haven't slept a blink last night. My body is trembling with fear and anxiety. My mind is crowded with thoughts and worries but did you hear me complaining? I just wanted to think, and you guys are not helping at all."

"We're sorry..." Rome lowered his head, together with the others.

"I'm trying my best, guys. I'm really trying to stay sane and it's hard." Daive sounded tired and emotional that his voice nearly cracked. "I needed you most in these kinds of situations. I need your support, not your arguments. Have you forgotten our class Silang's golden rule?"

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