Chapter 44

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Percy drifted in the darkness, unable to separate nightmare from reality. But the pain pulled him back to consciousness. Cold, thick cords sliced into his wrists and ankles. Bonds.

He had been kidnapped.

"They ordered a search and rescue," a strange voice whispered from far away. "They believed the tidal wave."

"Staging a suicide would have been better," someone else hissed.

"No one would've believed they both jumped."

"I know. The girl is an unfortunate complication. She is a Cadell, is she not? We could hold her hostage in exch-"

"No." This was his captor's voice, the high female one. "No one can know."

A man and a woman, or maybe another man. He couldn't tell. He wasn't even sure he was awake. Then  mental fog felt so thick he could barely think through it.

"What are we going to do with her?" one of the men asked.

"I'm not here to answer your questions," the woman snapped. "Just do your job and was the boy's memories."

Please, Percy heard Annabeth's mental voice say. My name is Annabeth Chase. If anyone can hear me, please send help.

Percy didn't hear another plea before the darkness swallowed him again.

Loud voices yanked him out of the haze. He wanted to cry, but he didn't have the energy. His body felt like one giant bruise. At least the pain meant he was alive.

"Funerals are being arranged."

"They didn't care that there were no bodies?"

"They found the pendants at the bottom of the ocean. Everyone believed it."

No! Annabeth screamed. We're not dead. Please, someone hear me. We need help!

"Have they decided what to do with the girl?"

"They'll have to get rid of her."

Please! Please help us! They're going to kill me!

"The girl's awake. I can hear her transmitting for help."

"Stop it, Annabeth! Do you hear me?"

"Relax. She can't reach anyone from here."

"I don't care. Knock them both out."

Sharp sweetness tickled his nose, and he sank into the dark oblivion.

Time lost its meaning in the blackness. Each second felt like the next, until a burning in his nose jerked him back to reality. He wanted to sneeze and gag with every breath.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" The voice loomed over him.

"It's either this or give up."

A very loud sigh.

"I hope you know what you're doing."

His chest constricted, heaving into a cough, but a cloth blocked his mouth, keeping the cough in. His body thrashed in pain.

"The gag is choking him."

"He'll live," a slightly familiar voice said, but Percy couldn't place it. "I don't want him talking."

The choking grew worse and he started hyperventilating.

"Wonderful. Well, go ahead, before he suffocates."

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