Chapter 7

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Percy had to shield his face as he surveyed his new surroundings. The enormous metal gate glowed as bright as sunlight, nearly blinding him.

"Welcome to Viric Ridge," Annabeth said. "What do you think?"

"It's bright."

Annabeth laughed. "The gate absorbs all light, so no one can leap in directly. My mom works for the Council, and she really likes privacy."

"That makes sense." After that stressful morning, it was nice to know that he would be safe, but he couldn't help wondering what they were trying to keep out. Godzilla probably couldn't get through those gates. He studied the surroundings. They seemed to be on the side of a mountain. Evergreen trees surrounded them, and wildflowers grew on the ground.

The gate swung inward. A striking woman stood in a small, grassy clearing surrounded by the enormous trees he'd seen growing along the river in the capital. A floor-length, stormy gray cape was fastened across her shoulders with a clasp that looked like an owl. She was tall and lean, with the same calculating gray-blue eyes, but her hair was brown and tied up in an elaborate bun.

"Meet my mother, Lady Athena," Annabeth introduced.

Percy wasn't sure how to greet an elf, so he decided to wave.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Jackson," Athena said. Something seemed off about her appearance, but Percy couldn't place a finger on it. "I see Annabeth wasn't lying about the green eyes. Most unusual."

"Oh. Uh..." Percy trailed off. "Yeah? I guess? It would be weird? Like seeing someone with green skin."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Athena said. "I think the color is quite fine. Don't you, Annabeth?"

Percy prayed to whatever gods were listening that Annabeth didn't try reading his mind right then.

"Did you tell anyone else where Percy was?" Annabeth asked.

"Only the Council. Why?"

"Percy said that someone tried to grab him this morning."

One of Athena's eyebrows rose. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. He tried to grab me, but I threw a dog at his face."

"Humans," Athena muttered under her breath.

"Actually, Percy thought he might be an elf," Annabeth told her.

Mother and daughter shared a look. Then Athena shook her head. "Kidnapping is a human crime. I've never heard of an elf even considering such a thing, much less trying it. What made you think it was one of us?"

"I might have been wrong." Something about Athena's regal air made Percy feel kind of silly and paranoid. She seemed to radiate respect. "I just remember that his eyes were an unnatural blue color. And the water kind of felt more alert, if that makes sense."

"Yes. Annabeth told me about your hydrokinesis." She reached out to touch his forehead. "Do you mind?"

At Percy's confused expression, she continued, "It's against our laws to read someone's mind without consent."

"Annabeth tried to read mine."

Athena frowned at her daughter, who seemed to shrink. "Annabeth, dear, it is only permissible to violate the laws of telepathy on assignments from the Council."

"I'm sorry, Mother."

"It was not my mind you violated."

"I'm sorry, Percy."

"Apology 'cepted."

"Anyway," Athena said. "I would like to see your memories of the kidnapper, if that is alright."

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