Chapter 22

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Sally and Poseidon promised to check on Davy Jones during the day to make sure he was ok, and Percy left for Foxfire not even caring that it was a Thursday, and he had another humiliating PE session ahead of him.

"Who's ready for the Ultimate Splotching Championship?" Sir Frank asked as the mentors strode into the amphitheater carrying huge sacks of tiny, brightly colored balls.

Everyone cheered.

"What's the Ultimate Splotching Championship?" Percy asked Leo.

"Telekinesis," he grumbled. "I suck at telekinesis."

Percy tried to look sympathetic, but secretly he was celebrating. Finally, something he knew how to do! Well, sort of, but that was better than nothing. "How does this work?" he asked as everyone partnered up. He chose Leo.

"We push the splotcher at each other with our minds," he explained, "and whoever gets splattered loses. The winners play each other until there's only one left, and that person wins."

"Everyone, on your marks," Lady Darna ordered as Sir Frank handed Leo a bright pink splotcher. "Get set!"

Leo tossed the splothcer toward Percy. "Catch!"

It nearly splattered the floor, but at the last second he caught it with his mind.

"Sorry, I forgot you're worse at this stuff than me," Leo said smugly. "At least I'll win one match this time."

Percy rolled his eyes.


Percy took a deep breath, focusing on the power he knew was deep within his core. He pushed the warmth out through his fingers and sent it toward the splotcher.


A stunned Leo stared at Percy with bright pink slime running down his chin. He'd nailed Leo right on his smug grin.

"Sorry," Percy said before bursting into laugther.

Leo sighed dramatically. "I probably deserved it."

"You did," Percy agreed. "Good game." They shook hands.

"Well done, Percy," Lady Darna interrupted, sounding more surprised than Percy would've liked. "Go ahead and move up to the winners. Leo can join those colorful prodigies over there."

Leo scowled.

"So what's the prize for winning, anyway?" Percy asked before Leo wandered away.

"Usually a pardon from one punishment, but don't get your hopes up. Annabeth always wins. Not that she ever does anything to need a pardon." He gagged. "Anyway, I hope you win a few more rounds."


Jason and Thalia. made it to the winners. So did Piper and a girl Percy had seen around a few times, her friend Silena. Even he Stoll brothers. Unfortunately, so did Clarisse.

"Even a muskog could beat Leo," Clarisse sneered. "Let's see how you do against a real opponent." She tossed a bright blue splotcher at Percy's head.

Percy caught it with his mind, floating it in the space between them. He ignored the knots in his stomach. He wasn't backing down.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Clarisse spat. "I'll aim for your eyes, finally turn them blue."

Percy gritted his teeth. Clarisse was going down.

"Get set!" Sir Frank called. "Splotch!"

Percy threw his hands out, pulling a bigger burst of strength from his gut as he shoved the splotcher.

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