Chapter 8

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Percy needed to pass, if for no other reason than to prove Mars wrong. So he closed his eyes, trying to relax enough to concentrate.

He focused on the water. Answering its call kind of felt like using another sense. He took a deep breath, and then told the water to flow up.

The water resisted, but his will was stronger, and the waterfall began to flow up, raising higher and higher into the sky.

Mars's jaw fell open.

Percy allowed the water to fall back normally, panting slightly from the effort.

"No way," Mars argued. "Controlling that much water should be nearly impossible for someone without any education."

"The key word is 'nearly'," Athena pointed out. "Percy is likely quite exceptional. Annabeth also tells me that she watched Percy lift over ten times his weight with telekinesis yesterday."

"Impossible," Ceres said. "At his age? That I have to see."

Percy frowned. "But...I don't know how I did it. It just sort of happened."

"Just relax. Why not try something small?" Athena pointed to the goblet in front of him.

That didn't sound too hard. And maybe it was like his hydrokinesis. Another sense to learn how to use.

He replayed the incident, remembering how he'd found the strength deep inside, and pushed it out through his fingers. Could he do that again?

He raised his arm and imagined lifting the goblet with an invisible hand. Nothing happened for a second. And then something pulled in his stomach, and the glass floated off the table.

Percy stared at the goblet in wonder. "I did it."

"That's it?" Mars scoffed. 

He needed more? Seriously?

"Give him a second. He's still getting used to the skill." Athena put a hand on his shoulder. "Take a deep breath. Relax, then see what else you can do. And remember, unlike your physical body, your mind has no limitations."

Athena's confidence gave him the boost he needed to try harder. He tried to think about the clue she was giving him. No limitations.

He pretended that he had five more imaginary hands to extend. The tug in his gut felt sharper, but felt worth it when the other five goblets rose like flying saucers.

Ceres applauded. "Excellent control."


Mars snorted. "It's a couple of glasses. I thought he was supposed to be able to life ten times his body weight."

Percy frowned. He wasn't sure how much more he could handle, but he was determined to impress Mars, if for no reason other than sheer spite.

He took another deep breath and shoved every ounce of the force he could feel in his core toward the empty chair next to Mars.

A collective gasp rang in the air as three chairs floated off the ground, including the one Mars sat on.

"Incredible," Athena breathed.

Percy didn't have time to celebrate. His stomach cramped from the strain and his hold broke. He screamed as the goblets shattered against the table and the chairs crashed to the floor, knocking Mars flat on his back with a thunderous collision.

For a second no one said anything. They just stared in open-mouthed shock. But when Mars hollered for someone to help him up, everyone burst into a fit of laughter.

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