Chapter 39

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The word rang in his ears, pounding with every heartbeat. Canceled. Canceled. Canceled. As in started. And then stopped.

He closed his eyes to stop the room from spinning. It wasn't until his lungs burned that he realized he'd stopped breathing. He hugged his chest as his body shuddered. He turned to see Davy Jones pressing against the walls of his tank, and Percy allowed of a ball of water with him inside to float over. Davy Jones snuggled into Percy's shoulder, like he knew he needed a friend. It didn't help.

He couldn't think. He couldn't move. He wasn't sure he would ever be able to function again. Then the front door opened and somehow he made it to his feet, scrubbing tears away with the back of his hand as Sally and Poseidon entered the room, closely followed by Kym.

"What's wrong?" Poseidon asked.

His chest heaved from a choked-back sob. "A messenger brought this, but Davy Jones ripped it."

Poseidon gasped and rushed for the scroll as Percy turned and fled upstairs. He called Percy's name, but he kept running.

He slammed the door, dragging a chair in front of it for added security. Poseidon pounded outside, begging for Percy to let him in, but Percy ignored him. He collapsed on the bed and buried his face in his hands to muffle the sobs.

Eventually the knocking stopped.

He sank into the darkness, wrapping it all around him like a blanket of misery. THen he curled into a ball and cried himself to sleep.

The nightmares were unbearable. This time the whole world burned, leaving him alone. He woke up screaming and couldn't stop shaking.

His eyes were red and puffy, and his hair was a disaster, but he didn't have the energy to care. Getting out of bed felt like a tremendous accomplishment. The only effort he gave his appearance was to tear the Meda crest off his uniform. If anyone asked, he'd blame Davy Jones.

He went straight to the Leapmaster, but Sally and Poseidon were waiting under the crystals.

"Foxfire!" he yelled, refusing to acknowledge them.

"I locked it down," Poseidon explained when the crystals didn't move. Sally stared at the gaping hole in Percy's cape, biting her lip. "We really need to talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about. You don't owe me anything. I'm not your son."

Their faces crumbled at the words, but he was too angry to care.

"Percy..." Poseidon tried.

"No, it's fine. I thought we were a family but I was wrong. I can't replace Triton and I guess you don't want me."

The words left a sour taste on his tongue, but he ignored it. Even when they both fell back a step, like the name Triton was a physical blow. He wanted them to hurt. They deserved it. "There. We talked. Can I go now?"

"I want you to come straight home after school," Poseidon ordered, but his voice was hollow. "We need to talk, regardless of what you think."

He ignored him.

"Percy, we're still your guardians. You have to do what we say."

Percy's eyes flashed as he met Poseidon's. "Fine. If you want to keep up the charade, I'll play along. Would you like a hug while we're at it? Should I tell you 'I love you' again?"

Sally covered her mouth to block a sob.

Poseidon paled. "No. Just...have a good day at school." He snapped his fingers and the crystals spun to life, obeying Percy's earlier command.

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