Chapter 41

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Percy wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed when he didn't find a note in his locker on Monday. He'd spent the entire weekend attempting to trigger hidden memories but hadn't found anything else, and he was trying not to feel frustrated.

He studied in the caves, partly to avoid Sally and Poseidon, but mostly because the walls at Cerulean Stables pressed in, like there wasn't enough room for him anymore. Sally and Poseidon left him alone as long as he came back by dark.

Nights were the hardest. He imprisoned himself in his room, sorting out things he would take whenever it came time to move. Other than Davy Jones, he was determined to leave everything Sally and Poseidon had given him. He didn't want any reminders of the people who'd kicked him out of their family.

Nothing eventful happened until study hall. Percy was sitting with Piper when Clarisse plunked down in one of their empty chairs.

"I never knew you were such a good actor," she sneered.

"What?" Percy asked.

"Not you, Jackson. You're not good at anything. I mean Piper. I know your secret."

Piper glared at her. "Ooh, I'm so scared."

"You should be."

Something about Clarisse's confidence seemed to get to Piper, because she shifted in her chair and glanced at Percy.

"She doesn't know anything. She's just trying to trick you into admitting something." Percy grabbed his things and stood. "Come on. Let's sit somewhere else."

Clarisse slammed her arm across Piper's books. "Oh, but I do know something. See, since you've been ignoring Silena lately, she and I have become quite close, and she's had some great stories to tell. This morning, she told me the most interesting thing about why you and Percy became friends."

The blood drained from Piper's face.

"What's she talking about?" Percy asked quietly.

Clarisse flashed a wicked smile at Piper. "Should I tell him, or do you want to do it?"

"Tell me what?"

Piper sat pale and lifeless, like a statue.

Clarisse cackled. "It's really quite funny. She was forced to be friends with you. Aphrodite wanted a closer eye on you, so she ordered Piper to be your friend."

Percy saw the panic in Piper's eyes and felt a little sick. "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true," Clarisse interrupted. "Do you really think someone who used to be as popular as her would lower herself to your status for no reason?" She studied Percy closely. "Huh. You're even dumber than I thought."

Piper sprang to life and reached for Percy's arm.

Percy jerked away. "Don't!"

His mind was spinning, making connections he should have made long ago. He didn't care about the surprised looks he got as he raised his home crystal to the light and glittered away.

Percy went back to the cave at Cerulean Stables to trigger memories until sunset. Once again, he found nothing.

He was up in his room transmitting commands to Davy Jones, his new, very successful method of training him, when Kym knocked on the door.

"Percy?" she called. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes." It was the first word he'd spoken to her since their talk.

She cracked the door open. "What are you doing?"

"Talking to Davy Jones."

"I didn't hear you talk."

"I was transmitting."

Kym frowned. "You're not a Telepath."

"I noticed."

"Haha, very funny."

"Thanks," he said icily. "Look, I'm guessing you can transmit to aquatic animals, since you're 'the most powerful Hydrokinetic around' or whatever title you're taking."

Kym scowled. "First of all, my title is 'the person your grade depends upon,' so I'd tone down the sass if I were you. Second, if anyone else told me they were transmitting and they weren't a Telepath, I'd question their sanity."

Percy stared at her. "You mean no one else can do this?"

"No. Well, I can't, and I haven't heard of anyone else being able to."

Percy sat there for a second and then barked out a harsh laugh. "Wow. Got to thank the Black Swan for that, then."

"Don't," Kym said. "Don't trust the Black Swan. I don't know how you learned about them, or about..."

"Yeah, I know about Project Moonlark."

"Figured. I don't know how you learned, but please, Percy. Don't listen. They're evil and are going to destroy your mind like they destroyed Bianca's, or kill you like they killed..." She trailed off.

"Killed who?"

"Nothing." She pulled out a parcel wrapped in brown paper. "This arrived for you. Good night, I guess."

Percy took the parcel. He waited for her to leave before he tore off the brown paper, unwrapping a silver orb and a note.

"You must help them. Remember: Paul, Amphitrite, and Tyson."

The names of his human family. His breath caught as he studied the silver orb. It came alive at his touch, the word SPYBALL glowing across the center. He'd never seen one before, but he'd heard the other kids talk about them. They could show you anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world. You had to apply for a special permit to have one. And he had no doubt who'd sent him this one.

Still, he couldn't help whispering. "Show me Paul, Amphitrite, and Tyson Jackson."

Light flashed and the Spyball displayed three people huddled together.

The rest of the world disappeared.

His mom's hair was longer, his dad looked thinner, his brother sadder, but it was definitely his human family. Three echoes of a life where he didn't belong, left mourning his imagined death. But they had loved him, which was more than he had here.

He wanted to reach through the orb and touch them, but he had to settle for watching as they huddled on the floor of a crowded room.

Why were they on the floor?

His eyes found the words EVACUEE CENTER and he nearly dropped the ball.

They'd been evacuated. Which meant the fires were near them.

You must help them.

The note's words rang in his ears and he tried to shake them away, tried to remind himself he was being manipulated. But he couldn't take his eyes off the three people he still loved, looking tired and afraid as a deadly, unquenchable fire threatened them.

You must help them.

Something inside him clicked into place.

His family never would've abandoned him. He couldn't abandon them. He didn't know how, and he didn't know when, but he would help them.

For now, he would stay with them as a silent supporter, watching from afar.

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