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Blurry, fractured memories swam through Percy's mind, but he couldn't piece them together. He tried opening his eyes and found only darkness. Something rough pressed against his wrists and ankles, refusing to let him move. A wave of cold rushed through him as the horrifying realization dawned. He was a hostage.

A cloth across his lips stifled his cry for help, and a sedative's sweet aroma stung his nose when he inhaled, making his head spin.

Were they going to kill him?

Would the Black Swan really destroy their own creation? What was the point of Project Moonlark, then? What was the point of the Everblaze?

The drug lulled him toward a dreamless oblivion, but he fought back, clinging to the one memory that could shine a tiny spot of light in the thick, inky haze. A pair of beautiful gray-blue eyes.

Annabeth's eyes. His first friend in his new life. His first friend ever.

Maybe if he hadn't noticed her that day in the museum, none of this would have happened.

No. He knew it'd been too late even then. The white fires were already burning - curving toward her city and filling the sky with sticky, sweet smoke.

The spark before the blaze.

Project Percy (Kotlc Meets Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now