Chapter 2

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The next second was a bit of a blur.

The car swerved right, and crashed into a streetlight, which was about to fall onto him.

No! was his only thought, and he thrust his hand up, drawing energy from deep inside his core. The energy grabbed onto the streetlight like an invisible hand, stopping it moments before it landed.

"Put it down," said a familiar voice.

Percy startled and dropped the streetlight.

"Look out!" Annabeth yelled as she tackled Percy, knocking him to the side just as the streetlamp hit the ground.

Percy panted for breath, putting a hand on his heart as he stared into her blue-gray eyes, which were stretched as wide as they could go. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Annabeth scowled. "Your welcome for saving your life."

Percy was about to retort and then caught sight of the driver staring like he'd witnessed a miracle. "Well, I'm not the only one about to have a heart attack."

Annabeth cursed under her breath. "He saw." She turned to him. "Where do we go to escape?"

He directed them toward Central Park, where there was sure to be a crowd.

"How did you do that?" Annabeth demanded as they ran.

"Hey, your guess is as good as mine."

Annabeth frowned. "All of us can do telekinesis, but I've never seen anyone lift so much weight. Have you been practicing?"

"Look, I didn't even know what my water powers were called ten minutes ago."

They reached Central Park. Percy wished he was a Telepath. He had no idea what Annabeth was thinking.

"What do you want?" he asked her.

"I'm here to help, I promise."

Her voice sounded sincere. Didn't make it any easier to believe, though.

"Why were you looking for me?" He tapped his leg, slightly afraid of the answer.

She opened her mouth and then frowned. "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you."

"How do I trust you if you won't answer my questions?"

She considered that. "Ok, fine, but I don't know much. My mom sent me to find you. We've been looking for a specific boy your age, and I was just supposed to observe and report back to her, as always. I wasn't supposed to talk to you." Her frown deepened. "I just couldn't figure you out. You don't make any sense."

Percy wasn't sure if that was meant as an insult, but it sure sounded like one. "What does that mean?"

"You're...not what I expected. Your eyes totally threw me off."

Percy touched his face self-consciously. "What's wrong with my eyes?"

"We all have blue eyes. So when I saw them, I figured we had the wrong boy again. But we didn't." She looked at him with something like awe. "You're really one of us."

He stopped and held up his hands. "Whoa. Hang on. What do you mean, 'one of us'?"

She glanced over her shoulder, frowning when she spotted a crowd of fanny-pack-wearing tourists within earshot. She pulled her toward a deserted corner of the area, ducking behind a tree.

"Okay, there's no easy way to explain this, so I'm just going to say it. We're not human, Percy." For a second he was too stunned to speak. Then a hysterical laugh escaped his lips. 

"Not human," he repeated, shaking his head. "Riiiiiight." 

"Where are you going?" Annabeth asked as he moved toward the sidewalk. 

"You're insane - and I'm insane for listening to you." He kicked the ground as he stomped away.

"I'm telling the truth," she called. "Just think for a minute, Percy." The last thing he wanted to do was listen to another word she said, but the plea in her voice made him stop and face her. "Can humans do this?" She closed his eyes, and vanished. She was only gone for a second, but it was enough to leave him reeling. 

He leaned against a tree, feeling everything spin around him. "But I can't do that," he argued, taking deep breaths to clear his head. 

"You have no idea what you can do when you set your mind to it. Think of what you did with that pole a few minutes ago." She seemed so sure - and it almost made sense. But how could that be? 

 And if he wasn't human . . . what was he?

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