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Beyoncé's POV
October 28

"I need a new shirt." Onika exhaustedly expressed as she entered our bedroom.

My eyes gravitated to her shirt and I noticed two wet patches where her nipples were.

Since our return from the hospital, Onika's moods had been fluctuating rapidly. One day she'd be at 0, the next she'd be at 100. I would be lying if I said it was easy to navigate.

"What happened?" The foolish question left my mouth before I could even register it.

Onika stopped walking, slowly turning to face me.

"I have to breastfeed two babies, Beyoncé. Two." Her tone was low and she was taking very small steps in my direction. "My back hurts from lugging around these things."

She pointed to her chest.

"My nipples ache so bad, you don't understand. Then they leak. They leak all the time. This is the third time I'm changing my shirt and it isn't even 12pm yet."

I unintentionally cowered, the closer she got.

"What do you think happened?!"

"I'm s-"

"Stop talking, please." She waved me off and walked into the closet.

I stifled my laugh as she disappeared because she'd whoop my ass for finding humour in her distress.

"And what's making me more upset is that you're laughing right now!" She voiced from the closet before coming out in a new shirt.

"I wasn't laugh, I swear." I held my hands up.

"Liar." She pouted, walking towards the bathroom.

She stayed in there for a minute before coming out with tears streaming down her face.

Without saying anything, she walked over to my side of the bed, waiting for me to move over. I moved a little, so I was in the middle and she laid down where my pillow was.

"I'm exhausted." She cried out, stuffing her head in the crook of my neck.

"I know, baby." I held her. "Let me take some- no, all the stress off your back." I suggested. "What else do you have to do?"

"The day's barely started yet. There's a tonne of things." She sighed.

"Well, the older two are at school. So we don't have to entertain them. What about things around the house?"

"The cleaners aren't coming until tomorrow since it's the weekend, so I haven't done my pre-clean before they clean."

"I find it insane that you clean before the cleaners, but I'll do that. What else?"

"I have some Amazon orders coming later. I-I don't even remember why I ordered half the stuff on there."

"We can figure it all out when it gets here." I pecked her forehead. "That's it?"

"My side of the closet."

"What about it?"

"It needs to be organised. I don't fit half of my clothes anymore, so I need to th-"

"You're not throwing away your clothes."


"Nope." I shook my head. "I can help you organise your closet because I know you'll micromanage me if I do it myself."

"I don't micromanage." She murmured.

"You do." I jested.

"I do not."

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