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Onika's POV
Dance Fitness Studio
March 8

When I was stripper, I never really liked working the pole. It just wasn't my thing.

I was a dancer.

So anything I ever did on the pole was anything I'd visually learned from watching the other girls. Simply spinning around a pole wasn't hard. It was really just a mental game.

After giving birth, I decided to take something up. That thing was pole dancing.

I would never go back into stripping again, I wanted to have a hobby since cooking became my career.

Thinking about it made me laugh because cooking used to just be a hobby and now dancing was my hobby.

It also took my mind off of the reality I had to face every time I was at home. Beyoncé couldn't stand being in my presence at all. That meant I still hadn't had a chance to talk to her about things.

I barely had time to wrap my head around it.

When the intro for 'Good Days' started to play, my hand softly but firmly grasped the pole as I walked around it.

My body loosened up as I elegant wrapped one leg around metal-which led me to leisurely spin.

I could almost feel the music consuming me as leaned my body back and extended the arm attached to the pole. My body never stopped spinning as I did so.

The whole experience was therapeutic to me. I so badly wanted a pole in our bedroom-that way I wouldn't have to leave the house every time I felt the urge to dance. But that wasn't at the top of current priorities list.

'Heavy on my empty mind shit.' I placed my free hand above my other and spread my legs in a partial split.

After a little time in that position, I planted my feet back onto the ground. Just before the next lyric was sang, I lifted myself again.

'I gotta keep from losing the best of me, still worry that I wasted the best of me on you, babe.'

I attached my left hand to the pole and spun anti-clockwise. My grip tightened. That gave me the strength to lean my body back until I was upside down. My left leg hooked to it. Since my hair hadn't been tied up, it flowed freely as the pole pivoted.

The feel could only last another minute before I started to feel lightheaded.

As the next few lyrics played, I gracefully came back down to my feet. I still had another 30 minutes of the time I'd booked in here. So I drank a little water before getting back to the pole.


Watching the way Beyoncé could pretend was quite scary, honestly.

In front of her family, she acted madly in love with me-so just her normal self before. As if we weren't having issues within the walls of our home. I respected her intentions in keeping our private matters private.

Mama T's house was packed with family for the annual family reunion. Every year, the date changed.

When an arm snaked around my waist, I was forced out of my thoughts. It was Beyoncé holding me close to her. She placed a peck on my temple before speaking.

We were stood in the corner, away from everyone else. Some of her family were sat around the living room, playing Uno.

I looked up, into her eyes. Although her gestures looked loving and passion-filled, her eyes told a different story. They told me she was still hurt and I couldn't read further than that.

"I'm going to the kitchen, do you need something?" She lowly asked.

"Cranberry juice." I replied.

"Ok." Her hand slipped from my body and I released a breath.

My eyes travelled down to my hands as I fiddled with my fingers. I hadn't seen either of my kids since I got here because they were outside.

When I felt a hole being burned into the side of my head, my eyes scoped the room until they landed on Kelly. My brows furrowed as I struggled to decipher the glare she sent my way.

Our eyes locked at it seemed like she was trying to read me. The only reason Kelly would ever look at me like this would be if Beyoncé told her what I did.

I'd hate if Kelly hated me. Beyoncé was her best friend and sister, so that's where her loyalty lied.

"Here." Beyoncé took me out of my staring contest.

"Thank you." I spoke, taking the cup from her hand. In the cup was a deep red substance. I took a sip, but she spoke as the drink hit my lips.

"That's grape juice." She admitted, but I'd already taken a sip and scrunched my face up. Beyoncé knew I didn't like grape flavoured things. That was one of the only things I wasn't fond of.

I glanced over at her before placing the cup down on a shelf near me.

"Sorry." She kissed my temple again before walking away.

I sighed and walked in the other direction. I soon found Nilaya bouncing a basketball whilst running down the hallway. When she got close enough, I scooped her up and took her to the kitchen with me.

"I wan' ball." She wriggling in my arms.

"We can get your ball after we get mommy some juice." I told her. "You want juice?"

"No." She pouted but stopped whining.

I went and got myself a drink before going back to retrieve her ball.

I spent the rest of the reunion hidden away with my daughter. She was a little antisocial and I just didn't want to deal with Beyoncé's weird attitude.


Double update because this short n cute.


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