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Onika's POV
March 26

"Onika, can you work on these orders please?" My manager asked. I nodded my head and started up the stove.

I loved cooking way too much because I was smiling the whole time as I did the orders.

It was mad hot, so they always kept the AC on in the restaurant.

"Can you take this to the front?" I asked one of the waiters when they walked past me. They nodded and took the dish.

All I did for the hours I spent at work was cook and sometimes bake. I also helped to make drinks when I didn't have anything to cook.

"Hey, Nicki." One of the other chefs approached me as I started making the next order.

"Hi, Harper." I smiled.

"Do you need some help?" She asked me.

"No, I'm good." I smiled. "Thank you though."

"I'll keep you company, friend." She sighed and pulled to a stool to sit near me. "How are the kids?"

"Stawwp." I smiled.

"I love talking to other mothers." She remarked and adjusted her hair cap. "How's Zamora's dance stuff going?"

"Oh, she's doing so good. She has a dance competition every few weeks. I really feel like she'll take it professionally when she's older." I expressed, whilst searing some onions.

"I remember you showed me one of her dance videos. She'll definitely do good in the dance world." Harper complimented.

"Best believe I'll be paying for all the best dance coaches and trainers."

"Period." She swiped her hand under her chin.

We both laughed and talked and I finished up the next order.


I parked in the school parking lot, ready to pick Zamora up. I only got to pick her up once a week from school because I only had one day where I finished early.

I quickly put my shades on and slipped my slides back on. When I hopped out, I was a bit cold so I wrapped my arms around myself.

There were a bunch of parents waiting already, so I found an empty area to stand. Luckily, the kids were quick to come out because I was actually freezing my ass off. Even though it was sunny out, I was still suffering.

"Mommy!" Zamora ran to me with Jordyn and Elle behind her. They all got near me and I hugged them all.

"Hi, Ms Nicki." Elle and Jordyn spoke in unison. I waved at both of them.

Catherine appeared from nowhere, to come and collect Elle. I caught the glare she sent my way before getting her daughter.

"Hi, Nicki." She smiled.

"Hi." I returned a similar smile.

"Hi guys." She waved to all the kids and they waved back. "Come on, Elle."

"Bye, Ms Cat." Jordyn and Zamora waved when Catherine and Elle walked away. "Bye, Elle!"

I turned back to the two kids with me and we started heading to my car. They both climbed in and got buckled in.

"Where's my mom?" Jordyn asked me, whilst fastening her seatbelt.

"Remember how your brother had a basketball game today? Your parents went to watch it." I explained to her.

"Oh, ok. Thank you." She smiled.

"How were your days, girls?" I asked whilst pulling out of the parking lot.

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