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The purpose of this part is to demystify with reference the brain racking phenomena we have encountered in this book. Honestly, I never had in prospect for this book to be so detailed, but I happen to be a brain box😭 with ideas flooding my head. I even had to trim some of them.

As we know, this book is highly rich in politics, and also encapsulates an abstract concept of magic. Therefore, it is only natural to be confused at some point as these notions are purely mature and cryptic.  It is my obligation to guide my readers on the brain racking events from the previous chapters. I hope to bring absolute lucidity to you as I neatly elaborate to enable you read smoothly henceforward hehe 😁

I'll start by throwing more light on MC's background. In the prologue, we saw that the Eastern Province (Solice) had already fallen, and the remnants of Solice's royal family were hunted to be killed. Idrissa, being the mage of Solice came to the rescue. After losing to the archmage of Liz (which led to the fall of Solice), he discovered a village (Vatmos) while recuperating on the run. The MC's parents stayed for many years in Vatmos.

Let's look at the issues regarding the Kingdom of Liz. In chapter six, it was mentioned that Liz had been ruled by up to seven dynasties. It would be laborious to write about the seven dynasties, so I only introduced four dynasties (I don't want the book to be bulky. I'm not writing an encyclopedia 😅) which are the Dawcanes, the Gusloes, the Snowils (or the revolutionists) and the Freydors who are the ruling dynasty. The Snowils were first mentioned in chapter nine, when Prince Mo visited the eastern region. The Dawcane prince in that chapter referred to the revolt initiated by the Snowils which led to their annihilation. However, we discovered that there were survivors of the Snowil dynasty in chapter forty-three.

The Dawcanes are known for their ownership of the castle of Everdusk while the Snowil ancestors were known to be the early kings of Liz; the historic nomadic kings as first mentioned in chapter thirty.

Let me just chip in these here: the Snowils are nomads by nature. The Dawcane dynasty has three princes who were all introduced in chapter thirty-seven (though this one is just a reminder)

We all know the dynasties are vying for power. So, there is an intense power struggle in Liz.

The Dragon Corsairs first mentioned in chapter six is the name of the group of royal mages owing allegiance to the Freydor dynasty. Although they've not been introduced in the book yet.

The magic concept in the book

Like I have aforementioned, the concept of magic in this book is abstract. So I have to break it down for easy absorption.

The two species of magic practitioners as introduced in chapter five are the naturals and the attainers.

The four stages are stage of the newling (or simply stage of origin), familiarity, exaltation and earthly celestiality. More mages will be introduced in the forthcoming chapters.

The essence energy, first mentioned in the prologue, is the supernatural power stored in the energy vessels of a mage. Energy vessels were first mentioned in chapter five.

The gnosis is state of altered consciousness leading to the magical effectiveness of a mage's will. Gnosis was first mentioned in chapter eight.

For now, we see that the archmage of Liz is the most powerful mage, considering he's the only mage alive in the fourth stage. According to Idrissa in chapter five, Only two mages have reached the fourth stage, namely; the archmage and Shawlunge who claimed to have met three mysterious people which are the wanderer (chapter four), the sage (chapter forty-seven) and the most mysterious of them all-- the ever living bodache (yet to be mentioned)

I hope my explanations are understandable. If not, you can clarify with me.

Also, if you have any questions or there is something you think I failed to mention, just make a comment 😊

Thanks for reading!

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