34. The Archery Contest (5) - The Final

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"I need to see the second prince." Laurene spoke out in front of Karick's tent. After the second phase was rounded up, a break was given before the commencement of the final phase. Laurene had decided to make things clear with Karick. She didn't want to feel like she was indebted to someone.

"Let her in." Karick's voice travelled from his tent. He anticipated her arrival and so he had dismissed the other girls beforehand.

"Care for tea?"

"No. Thanks. I'm good." She answered once inside Karick's tent. Karick adjusted his fringe and displayed a smile that circulated around his face, his eyes passing the message of his captivating smile.

Laurene cleared her throat a little, then looked away. She intended to cut to the chase but Karick had created a little distraction with that joviality of his. Before she could pull herself together to air her view, Karick spoke up.

"To what do I owe this sudden visit?" He knew the purpose of her coming but pretended to be ignorant.

"Your highness, you'd be lying to yourself if you say you don't know my purpose of coming here."

Karick chuckled.

"Have you come to thank me with regards to what happened earlier in the mid-phase? Do not bother Miss Russ. It was only an act of selflessness."

Laurene jeered before responding. "Thank you? You didn't have to do that. If words get out that you showed favouritism during the contest, it won't sit well with the people which is not good for neither of us."

"Are you blaming me?" Karick asked, pointing at himself. His voice was cool but his expression indignant. "I couldn't think clearly. It all happened in a moment. Don't you understand? I don't care what they say about me but I swear if anyone speaks ill of you, I'll bridle their tongue."

Laurene was silent, totally barren of words. She stared at Karick, her eyes conveying a subtle emotion. She had never seen that expression on Karick's face before. Before now, he was always smiling flirtatiously. But his apparent expression caught her off guard that she couldn't think of a word to say.

"I shall....see myself out." She bowed and left.

After she left the second prince, she met Lores en route to her tent. Lores sat on a stone cleaning his bow. During the time, Mo went to visit his mother. When Lores saw her, he lowered his head.

Lores' performance was astounding and above what people had in mind. It was the first time they witnessed an extraordinary nobody. Due to his noteworthy skills, the finalists became wary of him.

"Seven it is. Snowfall Palace representative. You have exceeded my expectations. Who could have thought that you'd become a threat to the first prince and I?" Lores' lips curled. He stopped cleaning to take a quick look at her. She was wearing a smile of wonder. Lores spoke as he went back to his work.

"I'm flattered. This one is just a servant of Snowfall Palace. I heard you've won the contest before. I am in no position to challenge you." Laurene laughed after learning of Lores' proficiency in flattering.

"You're too humble. All contestants are in a position to challenge. His highness must've put you in high regard to make you his representative. For the past two years His Highness have not participated. He is known as being aloof as nature's enthusiast. It has never been heard that a representative participated in a contestant's stead. So I think it's a big deal, and is rather intriguing that His Highness involved you in this big deal."


"Yes. I think I now know why he picked you." Lores Looked up in curiosity.

"Please do tell." Laurene folded her arms and began to explain.

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