47. Medicine Chef

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Hilbwet and some of the guards were still fighting the enemies in front of the village. Many men had already died from both sides. Their corpses oozed blood, the stench smell rising to the sky. However, Prince Mo's men were on the leading side as they had wasted many more of the enemies.

Hilbwet was tainted by the blood of the enemies. He fought like a ferocious beast against their leader. They clanged their swords, their intent only keen on murder. Hilbwet proved to be more proficient when he flummoxed his opponent with his torrential swings, and agilely jabbed him, his sword looming out from the dorsal side. The man gruntled as crimson dribbled down the sword protruding halfway through him. His eyes bulged into lifelessness. He dropped his sword and slumped like a doll.

Hilbwet rushed out of the zone with those who were still alive.

Six was still fighting off the black clothed men when Hilbwet and the other guards arrived. They immediately joined Six in finishing off the remaining enemies.

Meanwhile, the two potent mages had already demolished everything inside the building. None had faltered. The old man foreboded the situation had become unfavorable and so he strode out of the building.  He threw the lady under the willow tree a discreet glance and she assimilated. Immediately, they both leapt upwards, striding with an insane speed along the roofs, then vanished into thin air.

Prince Mo's men had wiped out the enemies. They all darted their eyes as the mages left the yard.

The black clothed mage inside the building came out.  He briefly gazed at them before vanishing out of sight in the same fashion as the other two mages.

"Your highness, who was that?" Hilbwet questioned.

"I don't know. He came out of the blue and helped me."

"Maybe he was sent by the king. He may be one of the golden pawns of House Of Berath."

Mo cogitated for a while.

"No. I don't think so. If he were from House Of Berath, he actions would not have been too bold. Besides, such powerful mage cannot be from House Of Berath. All the royal mages are practicing in seclusion in a mountain. Could it be....." Mo was submerged in assumptive thoughts. Hilbwet cogitated before replying.

"Your highness, it can't be one of the royal mages. A mage descending from the mountain would be subject to attention. Secondly, he won't need to hide his identity."

Mo drew out a sigh. The identity of the mysterious mage who helped him could not be fathomed.

"Where is seven." Hilbwet scanned around. Mo's mind drifted back to the recent event. He instantly commanded his guards.

"Some men are after Seven. Go and get him back immediately. Make sure he is safe."

"Yes!" They chorused and rushed out of the yard without wasting a second.

When they were gone, Hilbwet took a paper from his chest and proferred it to Mo. It was the paper he took from the leader of the armed men after killing him. Mo's expression turned solemn as he took the paper.

His eyes shone when he saw the glyph drawn boldly on the paper. He could recognize it at a glance.

"This is the symbol of the castle of Everdusk. It indubitably came from Raincut." He snapped his head to Hilbwet. "How are the Princes of Dawcane involved in all these?"

"It can only mean that the Princes of Dawcane are in cahoots with the Snowils." Hilbwet provided but Mo was unsatisfied. He was befuddled.

"Does it really make sense? The Dawcanes and the Snowils are different dynasties with great ambitions. They are both rivals of power struggle as long as Liz is concerned. How can they work together?"

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