Part 86: A KISA...Finally

Start from the beginning

"It's the flying over water—"

"I know, love, just relax for now." I close my eyes for a moment, and the next thing I know:


I awakened with a start.

"And you said I was tired!" she chuckles softly. "We're here."

"Home sweet home?" she says softly, looking at it

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"Home sweet home?" she says softly, looking at it. "Stateside edition?"

"It's definitely comfortable."


I smile at her. She is not a fan of modern, she likes organic, artistic, hand made things and décor. She showed me her ancestral home which was over a century old and looked like a castle with its limestone façade and art work at the top, making me understand why she loved England's architecture so much. "How about you decorate a room here—"

"Like in Kensington?"


She shrugs and smiles. "Okay."

We settle in and I start making calls. I had lots to do, after all. Sooner or later it would come out, and I wanted to be ready. Rumors had already begun. My sisters-in-law and my mother were ready to tell everything, but I told them to wait.

I face off with my American colleagues alone. I would not subject her to having to defend who she was. I was given an extensive file, most of which I knew, about her. She was a normal person who had trials and tribulations, a vulnerable one who made mistakes, a decent person who grew from them, and a loving woman with diverse talents who loved me. What I knew I shrugged about, what I didn't, I forgave. The result of who she is was a beauty, and anything of real beauty comes with stories of storms and adversity.

"Put out the announcement," I demand. "or I will do it myself."

I was driving back home to her when I got a call.

"They don't believe me." She sounded like she'd been crying.

I drive to the passport office and the whole place froze.

"Henry Cavill?" a clerk breathes.

"Yes, I'm here to see my—" I see her in an office through a window. "Excuse me." I push on and go into the office. "Darling?"

"I even showed them our wedding photo," she sniffs. "The family is in it, even Kal and Luna!"

My look must be murderous, because the clerk looks like he was trying to sink into his chair.

The look on the officer's face is priceless. "Mr. Cavill, we thought, I thought—"

"She had our marriage license, did she not?" I ask quickly. "Her old passport?"

"Yes, but—"

"What?" I ask.

"Sorry, Mrs. Cavill."

Her passport was changed, and that was that. With the exception of when she retook her photo, which I help her and the photographer with since I'm a model, I keep her close and by my side. We shyly wave our way out of there, and make a getaway before the paparazzi shows though there is no doubt that people who just happened to be there could make money off the whole thing. Truthfully, I liked them better than the paparazzi. They kept their distance but clicked away. 

As we drive back to the house, our phones explode. I text at a traffic light after putting up our wedding photo: I met her as a fan of her work as a writer, her character. We kept our relationship private much the way one keeps something vulnerable and precious protected until it Is grown and ready to face the world, in this case, the center stage my career created. I have never in my life been happier in my own skin and by her side. We are married now, our families are over the moon, and I pray that my friends and fans will be sincerely joyous and supportive of our union as we are.

She texts in response online: God, Henry! That was perfect! I love you, my kisa.

I glance at her as the light turns green and drive on. "Kisa?"

"Knight In Shining Armour."

I grin, and look down at her hand over mine, her wedding ring catching sunlight. I remember her words: Knowingwhat I know about you, I have no doubt that you would have been a knight ifyou'd lived back then. I love you. 

At the next red light, I text: Thank you, milady, and I love you.


Well, was that or was that not a ride?

It was fun. I hope you enjoyed it. I thank everyone who gave this story any of their time, and I want to say a special thanks to all who voted for and commented on this. It kept me going. Now that this is over, I have so many other stories to write, and yes, I do plan on casting Henry in some as a character.

I also thank Henry Cavill for being such a wonderful muse and inspiration for this "What If" tale. I hope to meet him someday, it's a bucket list thing. However, I have mixed feelings about him knowing about this long story. 86 chapters, about 130,000 words. A lot of time and effort for someone who doesn't know you and probably doesn't care, but this is for his fans, and in a way, a fan endorsement of sorts. If he read it, I'd wonder what he'd think-of this or any others I'd written. Probably never know.

If I had one wish for Wattpad it would be that there was fan fiction category in which a writer can cast a famous person or celebrity into a created role. It is an altogether different story, and not the same as what was done here. Fantasy Casting? Fan Cast Fiction? I don't know.

I welcome final comments. I'd love to know what you liked, didn't like, and for those who read from beginning to end, what made you stay.

See you soon...I'm already working on more material. Hugs and wishes of wellness to you all,

Nitanni Chionne

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