Part 64: A Fine Match

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Henry POV

"She's talking about doing it," John said over the phone.

I sucked a breath. I had a sinking feeling after our last argument. "When?"

"I don't know why, but I think she might try tomorrow."


"Because she had a long talk with Luc last night, whispers, you know?"

"Like two kids running away," I couldn't keep the growl out of my voice. "Thank you, John. I really appreciate this."

"No problem," he said simply. "After you told me what her ring meant, I felt a duty to tell you."

I was getting more worried and angrier as I drove to Trent. The "conversation" she and I had kept going over and over in my head.

"I think I'm ready!" she argued, her fists at her sides.

"I think you're not!" My jaw clenched. "Yes, you and Luc have a connection, and he is trying to behave-unbelievably-but that does not mean he will behave on a trail!"

"I trust him!"

"You trust him?"

"I'm willing to—"

"With your life?" When she did not answer, I posed another question of my own. "Why not trust me with it, then? Why not wait?"

"I just think—"

"Why did you give it to me, then?"


"The sword," I growled. "Why did you give it to me if you won't trust my judgment?"

"I do-I mean-it's not like that—"

"Do you? Because to me, it's a lot like that."

I arrive at Trent. I walk into the front office and see Finn coming out of his private one with a puzzled look on his face.


"I want to ride Luc."


"I want to ride him," I repeat. "I need to." I see Finn's look of utter confusion. "I cannot trust him with her if I cannot ride him. Understand?"

"If you are going to ride him, then I will ride with you."

"Thank you."

"She has a locker here, right?"

"Yes," Finn nods. "John?"

John freezes like a deer in headlights when he sees me. "G'morning."

"Good morning, John," Finn frowns between us. "Help Mr. Cavill with whatever he needs?"

"Yessir," John nods.

"First, call me Henry," I give a small smile.

John nods and gestures for me to follow.

"Do you have it?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, but I don't understand—"

"Doesn't matter," I told him. "Where is it?"

John disappeared into the staff locker room and returned with my old shirt. "Why—"

"She's worn this every time?" I ask him.


I changed shirts. "Here's hoping." I say. "but first, I'll warm up with another horse or two, if you don't mind."

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